The Beatles Years  |  Volume 4
The fourth and final issue of The Beatles Years opens in late 1968 with the release of ‘The White Album’ and charts their astonishing creative achievements through to the break-up and beyond. We assess the recording of the Let It Be album, take a behind-the-scenes look at their final, iconic rooftop performance, unravel the myths and misconceptions behind their break-up and take an in-depth look at the recording of their swansong studio album, Abbey Road.
This 132-page collector’s edition also explores life beyond The Beatles, including the landmark Anthology project and the deeply poignant Free As A Bird recording of the 90s, as well as the exhilarating 2018 documentary account of the band’s touring years, Eight Days A Week.
Fifty years on from the break-up of The Beatles, their music continues to inspire successive generations of new fans. A recent survey by Spotify concluded that 30% of the 1.7 billion annual streams of songs by The Beatles were by listeners in the 18-24 age group. This issue reflects the timeless inspirational appeal of The Beatles music and encapsulates their enduring legacy.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in The Beatles Years Volume 4.