That’s often the first thing that entices you to eat something, isn’t it? It’s the best welcome when you walk into someone’s house and your nostrils are teased with the aroma of a casserole cooking in wine, or the warm yeasty smell of baking bread emanating from the kitchen. It sells houses; it encourages people to abandon their shopping list and detour to the bakery counter at the supermarket; it can win you friends.
I have good news... Between pages 66 and 67 of this issue you’ll find part two in our Collector’s Edition series. This time the entire pull-out-and-keep 16-page section is devoted to spectacular breads. There’s a glossy challah, a ciabatta rich with olive oil, fluffy rolls, simpler white and granary loaves and special breads to tear and share –I’m talking nuggets of cheesy bread and a jam-laden brioche. These are 10 recipes to treasure. There’ll be four more Collector’s Editions this year, so do look out for them.