It was once said that while people on the Continent have good food, the British have good table manners. But now we have both!
When we dreamed up this feature we wanted to create recipes we’d be excited to tuck into if we were dinner guests – but they also needed to be doable. So, good news: you won’t find any last-minute hollandaise sauce or fancy cream-piping here. Whether you’re a cook or a guest, what most people want from a good meal is simplicity – plus bold, comforting flavours. This collection of starters, mains, sides and puds is made up of crowd-pleasing things to cook and eat. Mix and match them however you like, then greet guests with a confident smile, safe in the knowledge they’ll genuinely love the food you’ve cooked. We’ve also provided some sage advice on how to plan a balanced menu, how to make it all look great – even what music to play to set the mood… Cheers!