Words Ellie Hughes. Photograph Rachel Smith at Blood&Co
While most of us love the holiday season, there’s no arguing that it comes with its fair share of complications. Who are you spending the big day with, what’s on the menu and what are you getting each other – and how can you do it in a way that keeps everyone happy, and feels special, authentic and relaxed (if that’s not a contradiction in terms!). We wanted to know what you really thought about Christmas… so we asked you. Perhaps not surprisingly, well over half of you find it to be stressful in some way. However, the biggest number of you – 64 per cent – worry about waste, and 58 per cent worry about the cost of the whole thing.
So we’ve packed this special Christmas section full of solutions for you. And, further in, on page 45, we address concerns – shared by 57 per cent of you – about gaining weight, while in our food section (flip to the back of the mag), we give you options for seasonal treats – as 59 per cent of you worry about unhealthy eating. Christmas, we’re ready for you!