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Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider
Horse&Rider December 2023

Other Articles in this Issue

Welcome to December 2023 issue
With British Summer Time an increasingly distant memory,
Horse&Rider Magazine
Meg Elphick Polework can help improve any horse’s
What we've been up to this month...
Spending a day with equine vet and event
Festive favourite
The hub
£1,382 WORTH OF PRIZES TO BE WON! Ultimate
Imagine life in your ideal equestrian property with our selection
Next month in HORSE & RIDER
Be the best rider you can be
My life with horses
Jen is a vet and director of Rose Cottage Veterinary Centre, and part of her role involves working with zoo animals. She has three horses and two rescue dogs
A showcase for innovation
BETA International is a major trade show in the equestrian business calendar and Horse&Rider was proud to sponsor its New Product Showcase for 2023
Horsey Post
Charity cards to spread the horsey Christmas magic!
This month we love
Take a look at some of our favourite horsey products
Cross the boundaries
Vet and event rider Jess Campbell reveals how to maximise your horse’s training and reap the benefits
Perfect paces
In this feature. . . ➤ What to look for in walk, trot and canter ➤ Exercises to improve your horse’s paces ➤ Problem solving
Cavaletti: three ways
Meg Elphick’s easy exercises will help keep you inspired through the winter months
Building on the basics
In this feature. . . ➤ Teach simple changes ➤ Develop medium trot ➤ The importance of transitions ➤ How to introduce travers
6 secrets to jump to winning offs
Looking to polish up your performance in the showjumping arena? We’re here to help
Being your best self
Managing your mindset and practising self-care could be your keys to better riding, says Alison Buttery
Think outside the box
Knowing what your horse is thinking can play a big part in developing a trusting partnership 
In specialist care
Vet Moses Brennan explains what’s involved when your horse is referred to an equine hospital for treatment or diagnostics
Skin deep
Sarcoids are common in horses but can be unpredictable and hard to treat, as vet Ralph Maalouf explains
Tail troubles
My horse’s tail is really sparse – is there anything I can do to help?
Let’s worm together
I’m on a busy livery yard – if my horse has a positive worm egg count, what’s the best way to deal with it?
Hot stuff
My friend uses a hot-water bottle on her horse’s back before she rides. Why is this?
Homing instinct
My horse is really reluctant to hack alone, but if I box and take him to another location he’s perfect. Why is this?
Winter woes
The winter tends to make me want to give up riding, and I really struggle to feel positive about things I do with my horse. How can I stay motivated through the shorter days?
Grumpy gelding
My gelding is becoming protective over the mare in the next field. What can I do to stop him from being aggressive towards other geldings in his paddock?
Colour co-ordinated
Do horses see in colour?
Red nose day
What does it mean if my horse has regular nosebleeds?
Happy retirement
Is there any appropriate age to retire my horse from ridden work?
Flawless fit
How can I measure my head to check what hat size I am?
A stitch in time
I want my horse’s rugs to last as long as possible – do you have any tips?
Better bitting
What are the differences between the various bit materials?
Building blocks
How can I stop my horse refusing when jumping?
Enough is enough
How can I tell if I’m riding my young horse too much?
Memory test
I often forget my dressage test due to nerves. What can I do?
Stress buster
I get very stressed at shows and snap at my partner. What can I do to help stop this?
Wonderful walking
What is a judge looking for in the free walk?
Share& share alike
If approached in the right way, finding a suitable sharer for your horse can be a stress-free experience
MANAGEMENT 101: old horses
Part one: Groundwork
More time ride to
Save valuable minutes on yard tasks this winter to enjoy more time in the saddle
Dietary dilemmas
Nutritional experts answer your winter feeding queries
Plan & protect
Looking after your pasture in winter needn’t be onerous if you take a practical and considered approach
Coat care
Keep your horse’s coat looking and feeling its best this winter with our skin-care tips
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