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Take a breath

It’s not unusual for a horse’s respiratory system to be challenged from time to time. Check out these products designed to help him when he needs it most
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Horse&Rider Magazine - UK equestrian magazine for Horse and Rider
Horse&Rider Magazine – October 2021

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In This Issue
HORSE&RIDER October 2021
What we’ve been up to this month...
This month, we had the pleasure of sitting
Emily King Success in the showjumping arena doesn’t
Jonathan Anderson BVM&S DIPACVS MRCVS is Director of
Much ado about Bicton
As the pandemic wreaks havoc over the eventing calendar for the second year in a row, a much-loved venue in the South West is ensuring that British eventers and fans still get a five-star competition in 2021
Horse & Rider hub
If you want to comment on an article in H&R or share your thoughts, then drop a line to Letters Editor Kiera Boyle
Teamwork makes the dream work
Some say horses are the greatest teachers, and nobody believes this more than equestrian power couple Alex Hua Tian and Sarah Higgins. From shaking off setbacks to educating a nation on the principles of horsemanship, they share with us the wisdom they aim to pass on
Keep your hat on
Head injuries are sadly a high risk for
Moral fibres
Photos: Laura Battiato/ , Pipalana/ ,
Behind bars
Tougher sentencing will be imposed on animal abusers
Safety first
We all want to stay as safe as
Off the beaten track
The British Horse Society (BHS) has reached a
In the saddle
On another level
Cross-country combinations can be demanding, especially with inclines and steps added into the equation. But there’s no need to panic – Tina Cook’s masterclass will have you sailing through sequences like a pro
Power surge
Emily King shares her favourite gridwork exercises to set you up for showjumping success
Up to scratch
‘Rosettes are won at home’ is as true in showing as it is any other discipline. Learn how to prepare your horse’s paces at home with the help of showing supremo Katie Jerram-Hunnable
Geoff Billing ton’s no-frills showjumping
Winning streak
Learn all the tips and tricks you need to ride a showstopping Prelim test
water Work on
Get to grips with water trays and build your confidence riding them, with eventer Eliza Stoddart
Mind matters
On the right track
Ever heard of a track system? Find out why so many owners swear by the benefits of this style of living
Confidence builder
Ask a vet
Old, but gold
Equine veterans can need different care to their younger fieldmates, and getting their management right’s essential to keeping them healthy. Vet Becca Shaw explains
How much do you know about your horse’s heart? Could you tell if something went wrong? Vet Leona Bramall’s on hand to shed some light
Ask the experts
Management know-how
Our experts Jaz Grogan BSc (Hons) is a
Mind matters
Our experts Angie Jones-Moore SNHS Dip is a
Veterinary matters
Our experts Jonathan Anderson BVM&S DIPACVS MRCVS is
Horsey shopping
Our experts Claire Perry is a policy administrator
In the saddle
Our experts Sharon Smith MSc EBA(Reg.) BHSAPC is
In brief
Our expert Catherine Boyd is an ex-international show
Management know-how
When the going gets tough
Studs are a useful tool to help your horse tackle testing ground conditions. Find out how to make sure he’s properly equipped for the task
Dip a toe
Laminitis doesn’t have to mean the end of the road. Keep your horse happy and healthy through recovery and beyond with our case studies
Back in a bit
Not sure which bit’s right for your horse? Well, bitting expert, Tricia Nassau-Williams is here to help
Better the bedding you know?
We asked H&R readers what bedding they used for their horses. Here’s how your favourite options measured up
Horsey shopping
A cut above
Giving your horse a masterful clip isn’t just about technique. You need to make sure you have the right equipment on hand, too
Weatherproof breeches
Embrace the British weather and make fair-weather riding a thing of the past with these fabulous yet functional breeches
This month we love..
Take a look at some of our favourite horsey products
Imagine life in your ideal equestrian property with our selection
with horses
Ever wondered what’s behind equine imaging equipment? Dan Mountifield shares a week in his busy life on the road
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