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The fact is we live in a dangerous world that is becoming more dangerous with each passing day. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, 1.03 million home invasions occur each year, with 27% of those homeowners becoming a victim of violent crime. Statistics state that three out of four homes will be broken into in the next 20 years, with most of these break-ins being forced entries involving weapons. If those stats alarm you, they should.

We see it in news reports and police blotters all the time. Burglaries and outright home invasions being perpetrated by multiple attackers, now even in broad daylight. The people have had enough. With more crime come stronger defensive measures. We are decking out our homes with security cameras, upgrading our locks and security systems and improving communications with our neighbors. Those are all good options in making sure our homes and neighborhoods are as secure as can be. But what happens if a criminal or group of criminals penetrates those defenses?

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