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Lately, I’ve been feeling as if we’re living in a low-budget, old-school superhero movie. It feels sort of like a Guardians of the Galaxy thing … except without the great soundtrack is fl ying at us from all directions, and villains we thought we’d handled come back with enhanced powers and a renewed desire to take us down.

For many months, we’ve all seen great challenges and rolling disasters crawl across our radar and into our daily thoughts and lives. Topics of pressing concern seem to be waiting in line for their turn to burrow into our heads to get their chance at pushing us deeper into the pit of anxiety and distract us from the enjoyable and comfortable life we once had and want to return to. Many people ignore the mainstream media and have also stepped back from social media, because neither is a reliable source of truth, and both are overloaded with dubious agendas and reprehensible personalities who seem to be more interested in divisiveness than unity.

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