UNITED Auctions sold 84 cattle and 566 sheep of all classes at Dalmally Auction Mart on Saturday November 12.
The firm reports that a good number of ringside buyers ensured all stock was cleared with a reasonable trade.
Cattle: Top prices per head – Bullocks BSx: £600 (five) – Castles Estate. LUINGx: £600 (five) – Blackmount. SIMx: £870 (five) and £760 – 7 Craigneich. In-calf heifers BSx: £920 (two) – Keilator. LIMx: £920 – Keilator. BG: £1,120, £980 and £920 – Braes of Ardeonaig. In-calf cow SIMx: £600 – Craig Farm.