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We Are The Solution

Entitled, ‘We Are The Solution’, the latest campaign from ACT UP Dublin, in association with the online interview magazine,, features portraits of men living with HIV in Ireland sharing the message that effective HIV treatment keeps people with HIV healthy and prevents the virus from being passed on during sex. This new initiative builds on previous contributions to the international U=U (undetectable equals untransmittable) campaign from people in Ireland.

Last year, we at ACT UP Dublin joined with Stephen Moloney from to create ‘Come Out Fighting’, a free ’zine that looked at current views on sex and sexuality amongst gay and bisexual men, including PrEP and U=U.

ACT UP also created posters, cards and other educational and promotional materials about U=U, along with a short video called ‘Love & Suppression’, featuring a Dublin-based couple who actually took part in the PARTNER study – one of the major studies confirming the science behind U=U.

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