UltraMarine Magazine  |  AprMay 2017
Greetings to you, Ultramarine reader!
You might recall I was on the verge of ‘upping sticks’ and moving to a new house last issue. Well, I’m pleased to say that’s now ‘done and dusted’ and my little family and I are getting settled-in with much more living space to play with! I’ve suddenly got a list of jobs and expenses as long as my arm though, and I have to say that plans for a new reef system haven’t progressed significantly… yet!
I’m still running my Red Sea Max Nano actually, and this is looking pretty good despite having two moves in the space of a few weeks (have a look at my short review/update in this issue). Due to complications with our completion date, we spent two weeks in early February staying with my parents before we moved in... so the tank came with us! My internet was another major complication of the move and we ended-up being disconnected for around 4 weeks. This made some of the key processes for the last issue pretty tricky and I’d like to apologise for any errors. Rest assured that normal service has now been resumed! They say these things happen in threes, and true to form the last challenge came shortly after we’d moved in, on the arrival of Storm Doris. My first power cut in 15 years, this outage lasted for around 30 hours and would surely have wiped out my nano reef… if it hadn’t luckily still been safe at my parent’s house. Having definitely ‘dodged a bullet’ there, I’ll certainly be including some back-up systems on my new tank and I’d urge everyone else to do the same. I shudder to think how much stress I’d have been under (and my family too) if I’d have had a large fully-stocked system at the time…
John Clipperton, Editor
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in UltraMarine Magazine AprMay 2017.