As giveaways go, this has to be up there with our very best. GForce impOSCar2 normally retails for £99.99 and with this month’s mag, and for a limited time only, is available absolutely free..
GForce Software should need no intro; for years it’s delivered excellent hardware synth recreations based on its own classic synth collection. Examples include Oddity3 (ARP Odyssey), Minimonsta2 (Moog Minimoog Model D), M-Tron Pro IV (Mellotron) and its officially endorsed and truly fantastic Oberheim O-BE. impOSCar2 (VST, AU, standalone) recreates the Oxford Synth Company OSCar synth from the early 1980s, delivering an incredibly accurate take on this bona fide synth lover’s classic. This includes its excellent oscillator section (with user definable additive waves), and you’ll even find recreations of the original presets. However, in typical software style, impOSCar2 then transforms this monophonic/ duophonic design into a modern polyphonic beast. The extra features then take the synth on its own journey, which you’ll find suitably documented by over 1000 presets. So, whether you’re after blistering leads, thumping basses, texture-laden pads, edgy arps or crazy effects, this synth has it all, while still retaining the visual and sonic mojo of the original hardware.