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Half a dozen questions with Lykke Li’s long-term producer, Björn Yttling

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Computer Music
February 2023

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Best of the year Softsynths
2022 was a great year for synths… if you liked emulations of classic hardware, that is. 2022? 1982 more like. Here are our six favourites of the year…
Best of the year Instruments
We’ve covered synths, but what about your other software instrument needs? Well, it turns out 2022 was a classic for those too. Here are our six best…
Best of the year Software effects
2022 was an absolute belter for software effects! It was tough to narrow it down to just six, so these really are as amazing as effects get…
Best of the year Hardware
Need some additional hardware to add to your software studio? Here are the best additions you can make right now…
Best of 2022: Samples!
Celebrating our Best Of The Year issue, here are some of the best sample packs we gave away in 2022. Download them all from  i n May 2022, we embarked on a (longer than we thought) synth journey through the last 60 years, with samples to match. Here are the ’80s and ’90s…
Best samples (continued)
In issue 308, we brought our synth history right up to date with several new sample packs celebrating C21. Here we choose the hard and soft options  Having dealt with synths past and present in previous issues, in July we turned to the ghost of ‘Synthmass Future’ with these two sample packs
Best samples (continued)
In issue 311, things got a little dirty as we explored the niceties of analogue processing, producing these two packs of filthy samples to go with it…
Best samples (continued)
We’ve had synths and drum machines, so in issue 314 it was time to roughen up your low end with two packs of dirty bass samples Back in issue 305 we made waves with a waveform theme for our free sample packs. Here are the Digital and Analogue packs from Groove Criminals
Best samples (continued)
We finish our Best Samples Of The Year with four packs of 303 samples – actually from 2021, but they’re so good we couldn’t ignore them!
Dynamic processing is one of the most useful – and misunderstood – parts of music production. Here’s how to master this most important and creative of processes, forever!
The classics
A handful of classic hardware compressors have won
The right compressor for the job
As touched upon on in our mini-roundup of
Frequency-conscious dynamics
As touched upon previously, some dynamics processors have
External sidechaining
> Step by step 3. Creative processing with
Parallel compression
Parallel or ‘New York’ compression is simply the
An expander increases dynamic range, and like a
Noise gates
> Step by step 7. Basic noise gate
Transient processors
Transient shaping was made popular by SPL with
Sidechain compression
> What started out as a rare mix
Serial compression
Like many dynamics processes, compression can be a
Mid/side compression
We would typically process stereo submixes and master
Bandpass filter bass
Synth masterclass with Dave Gale #23
We’re big fans of automation at Computer Music.
Creating spin delays
Mix masterclass with Jon Musgrave #02
So far we’ve only looked at using simple
Ystad, Sweden’s finest export shares her vision for new album Eyeye, while producer Björn Yttling discusses the many perks of owning a studio formerly used by ABBA
The latest computer music gear tested and rated!
Oddit y3 £100 PC MAC
GForce Software
Cherry Audio GX-80 $59
Cherry Audio’s latest behemoth-of-a-synth is a plugin for a utopian future, exclusively from the vintage past…
ShaperBox 3 €99
If you like dynamic effects, you’ll love the latest version of this impressive multi-effects package
Linda IronVerb $99
Algorithmic reverbs are widespread, affordable and sometimes a bit uninspiring. This latest design attempts to redress the balance
It seems right and proper that SSL themselves are first to release an emulation of their early B series desk. Let’s see how it performs
RePitch £178
Pitch correction software is widely available and comes in many forms. Let’s see what features this new plugin has to offer
Soundware round-up
Goldbaby Pulse $39 These nutters have gone patch-happy
Soundware round-up
Zenhiser Warmth £46 Top-tier vocal pack for house
Best of the year: 9 free plugins!
This month we have the best nine free plugins we have given away in 2022, all in one issue, you lucky people. Download them now!
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