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Metal Hammer Magazine Issue 328 Zurück Ausgabe

47 Bewertungen   •  English   •   Music (Heavy Metal)
Only €4,99
- Amy Lee and Sharon Denadel? Together? In one interview? We unite two icons.

- When Metallica revealed that they’d be doing S&M2, we just knew we had to go. So we did!

- They spent the summer taking Legacy Of The Beast across America. We witnessed Iron Maiden's latest conquest
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Metal Hammer

Issue 328 - Amy Lee and Sharon Denadel? Together? In one interview? We unite two icons. - When Metallica revealed that they’d be doing S&M2, we just knew we had to go. So we did! - They spent the summer taking Legacy Of The Beast across America. We witnessed Iron Maiden's latest conquest

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Issue Cover

Metal Hammer  |  Issue 328  

- Amy Lee and Sharon Denadel? Together? In one interview? We unite two icons.

- When Metallica revealed that they’d be doing S&M2, we just knew we had to go. So we did!

- They spent the summer taking Legacy Of The Beast across America. We witnessed Iron Maiden's latest conquest
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First published in 1983, Metal Hammer Magazine has become the home of rock and heavy music, bringing you the most in-depth and trustworthy source of news and opinion. Respected by bands and fans alike, Metal Hammer is proud and passionate of our heavy music genre, doing its utmost to support and celebrate the music we all love.

It’s the ultimate publication for indulging in your favourite music, rammed with stunning photography from the most important gigs around the world, independent reviews and stories from behind-the-scenes that you would not find anywhere else.

Whatsmore, as one of the key authorities in heavy music, Metal Hammer Magazine produce the annual Golden God Awards, and as a subscriber, you’ll receive all the details and key information that you need to know.

Furthermore, you’ll forever appreciate Metal Hammer as a great source of inspiration when you’re looking to discover something new to listen to - from that big-time band you’ve somehow not had the time to listen to or the hidden gems you’ll be excited to introduce your mates to! It’s quite simply a must read. 

A Metal Hammer magazine subscription is a must-have for anyone who likes heavy music. Each issue is jam-packed with world-class, no-nonsense features and reviews. With your subscription you’ll receive:

  • News on the very latest music releases - both good and bad!
  • Access to your favourite artists, with in-depth, no holds barred interviews
  • Regular opinion pieces from metalheads for metalheads
  • Tips and inspiration on new bands to listen to
  • Behind-the-scenes access to all of the important gigs from around the world, with exclusive reports and photography of the sets in their full glory
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Basierend auf 47 Kundenrezensionen
Rezensionen ansehen

Very entertaining

Great for all fans of heavy metal Überprüft 20 Mai 2022

Metal Hammer

Keep up Metal Hammer Alive!!! Greetings from Portugal Überprüft 06 Februar 2021

Metal Hammer

Good magazine for music lovers. Überprüft 16 August 2020

Metal Hammer

I find it clear, complete and interesting. The best for Heavy Metal. Überprüft 01 Mai 2020

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