Left inset: The Monk (Peter Butterworth) is horrified to discover that his TARDIS has been sabotaged by the Doctor, in the final episode of The Time Meddler
T hat May day at the 1965 Cannes Film Festival might not have been the year’s only Beatle- Dalek crossover. It was hoped the Fab Four could be persuaded to make an appearance in The Chase, made up as older versions of themselves, playing at the 1996 Festival of Ghana. Manager Brian Epstein put the kibosh on that idea, apparently because he didn’t want his charges looking anything less than young and freshly scrubbed. Instead, the Doctor and co watch a clip of the band singing Ticket to Ride on Top of the Pops – which is the only reason the clip exists today. For many years, it was also the sole surviving footage of the Fabs on TOTP, until a silent offair film of their 1966 performance of Paperback Writer turned up in 2019.