The Daleks, and their mighty Emperor, met their “final end” in civil war sequences filmed at Ealing Studios in May 1967.
Illustrations by GAVIN RYMILL
Designer Chris Thompson.
Gatwick Airport, 1966. Having frustrated the people-napping plans of the Chameleons, the Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton) and his companion Jamie (Frazer Hines) are unable to prevent the TARDIS being taken away on the back of a lorry by persons unknown… So began the first episode of The Evil of the Daleks - the seven-part finale to the 1966-67 season, an epic adventure that saw the Doctor and Jamie swing between settings as varied as a groovy London coff ee bar called the Tricolour, a mysterious antique shop, a country house in Victorian England and ultimately Skaro, the planet of the Daleks.