Combat Aircraft Journal  |  January 2017
In the January issue of Combat Aircraft our focus feature is on the F-22 Raptors of the 1st FW at Langley AFB. We take you literally into the cockpit, talking to pilots about how they fly and fight in the F-22. We also have a superb update on the F-15SA — the new Super Eagle, which is shortly expected to commence deliveries to the Royal Saudi Air Force. We also detail the air assets aboard the Russian ship the Admiral Kuznetsov, a unit report on MV-22 Orpreys of the Purple Foxes, plus Finnish road operations with the Hornet and a look at Denmark’s F-16s and the decision to buy the F-35. Plus lots more including amazing imagery from Red Flag — Alaska and a new round of testing for the Textron AirLand Scorpion.
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Articles in this issue
Below is a selection of articles in Combat Aircraft Journal January 2017.