They are the stuff of legend: nomads who cross the countryside in horse-drawn wagons, reading fortunes and dancing by the campfire light.
Many people have this romanticized image of the Romani people, in large part because of Hollywood, which has portrayed them in films such as The Hunchback of Notre Dame and From Russia With Love. In reality, the Romani are an ethnic group that has traveled the world for generations, migrating through the Middle East and Northern Africa, eventually ending up in Western Europe. While some of their migration was by choice, much of it was forced as they were pushed out of one country after another over the centuries.
The culture of the Romani people is rich with music, food and art, and has been handed down through the generations. An important part of that culture was, and still is, the horse. While the Romani no longer need horses to help them travel from one place to another, their horses are still treasured as a link to the past.
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