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Skirmish Living History Magazine Issue 96 July 2012 Retour à l'édition précédente

2 Critiques   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €2,49
This issue has a female impression from the Napoleonic period, and Jonathan Davies recreates a labyrinth as part of the herb garden project. We look at How Belarusians defended Warsaw in September 1939 and Dr Andrew Bamford discusses Wellington’s Finest Victory - Battle of Salamanca, 1812. In Spirit of the 40s,
Recreating the Second World War at Gosport is investigated and we also take a look at a charity march. A Very Different Sort of Punter... joins The Rifles Living History Society at Who Do You Think You Are? Live Event, Olympia and The Battle of Towton, Palm Sunday, 1461 is a report from the recent event recreating this bloody battle. In issue 96 we also look at the Régiment Irlandois De Dillon - Wild Geese in the service of France and the 45eme Regiment de Ligne, who tell is about the preparations this group are making for Waterloo. In addition there is a report from the US event Actions of the Lowe Countries 2012.
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Skirmish Living History

Issue 96 July 2012 This issue has a female impression from the Napoleonic period, and Jonathan Davies recreates a labyrinth as part of the herb garden project. We look at How Belarusians defended Warsaw in September 1939 and Dr Andrew Bamford discusses Wellington’s Finest Victory - Battle of Salamanca, 1812. In Spirit of the 40s, Recreating the Second World War at Gosport is investigated and we also take a look at a charity march. A Very Different Sort of Punter... joins The Rifles Living History Society at Who Do You Think You Are? Live Event, Olympia and The Battle of Towton, Palm Sunday, 1461 is a report from the recent event recreating this bloody battle. In issue 96 we also look at the Régiment Irlandois De Dillon - Wild Geese in the service of France and the 45eme Regiment de Ligne, who tell is about the preparations this group are making for Waterloo. In addition there is a report from the US event Actions of the Lowe Countries 2012.

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Issue Cover

Skirmish Living History  |  Issue 96 July 2012  

This issue has a female impression from the Napoleonic period, and Jonathan Davies recreates a labyrinth as part of the herb garden project. We look at How Belarusians defended Warsaw in September 1939 and Dr Andrew Bamford discusses Wellington’s Finest Victory - Battle of Salamanca, 1812. In Spirit of the 40s,
Recreating the Second World War at Gosport is investigated and we also take a look at a charity march. A Very Different Sort of Punter... joins The Rifles Living History Society at Who Do You Think You Are? Live Event, Olympia and The Battle of Towton, Palm Sunday, 1461 is a report from the recent event recreating this bloody battle. In issue 96 we also look at the Régiment Irlandois De Dillon - Wild Geese in the service of France and the 45eme Regiment de Ligne, who tell is about the preparations this group are making for Waterloo. In addition there is a report from the US event Actions of the Lowe Countries 2012.
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Skirmish Magazine is the world’s leading multi-period historical re-enactment and living history magazine. Brought to you by a dedicated team for re-enactors, living historians and history enthusiasts, we cover all periods in world history over the last 3000 years.
Skirmish appeals to a worldwide audience with an avid interest in history and features articles and images on historical re-enactments and living history from around the globe.
Now published Quarterly - Winter, Spring, Summer, and Autumn Editions with 100 pages.

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Sur la base de 2 Commentaires des clients
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A classic - excellent!

A classic and important publication Révision 02 avril 2021

Historical Military re-enactment

no longer available here but the archives are, great for reenactors BUT the back issues should be substantially reduced, then people may buy them. Révision 01 octobre 2018

Articles dans ce numéro

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