I’m all for detoxing, losing weight, doing more exercise and watching the purse strings but, I can honestly say, January can do one! Not only is it a long month, but it’s also a hangover from the great Christmas period, replacing fun and frolics with diets and despair. Jesting aside, this last month has been a struggle trying to alter the way I eat, drink and spend any free time I have, especially after the indulgences of December. However, it’s just the one month and hopefully I’ve picked up some good habits and will be able to go forward into the year with a slightly better attitude to my health and well-being. So, in effect, thanks January (but I won’t miss you). Which leads us to February: What a time to be alive!
Whether you are a fan of Valentine’s Day or not, you can’t deny it brings one of the finest ingredients to the table - chocolate - so we are championing that this month with a loaded section of fantastic moreish recipes from 12, we also highlight Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) on page 31, where we show you how to make the most of eggs, flour and delicious ingredients to give your frying pan a worthy workout. Turn to page 66 to have your gluten-free questions answered, while on page 40 we look at how to deal with osteoporosis, a condition that many with coeliac disease suffer from. Happy February everyone, now breathe!