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A Place in the Sun Magazine A Place in the Sun June 2011 Edizione posteriore

31 Recensioni   •  English   •   Leisure Interest (Travel)
This month we stop by the Canaries, a long-term favourite of the British when it comes to holiday homes that come with year-round weather and great rental returns. We give you a run down of Tenerife, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura and what's currently on offer.

We end our series on property in Egypt with a look at the three lesser-known resorts of Port Ghalib, Soma Bay and the La Siesta Mountain Resort on the Red Sea and kick-of our next series, searching for the perfect property in the Caribbean with a look at St Kitts and Nevis - two small islands where development is discreet but the lifestyle is typically tropical.

There's an update on fractional ownership and the different routes to ownership it covers and we take a look at Brazil as a property investment hotspot.

There’s also our pick of the best properties or sale from around the world in 'Hot Properties' plus many more to boot in our property directory, plus the usual comment from Amanda Lamb, who tells us why the perfect holiday home can be as elusive as the perfect man but how anything can be achieved.
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A Place in the Sun Magazine

A Place in the Sun June 2011 This month we stop by the Canaries, a long-term favourite of the British when it comes to holiday homes that come with year-round weather and great rental returns. We give you a run down of Tenerife, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura and what's currently on offer. We end our series on property in Egypt with a look at the three lesser-known resorts of Port Ghalib, Soma Bay and the La Siesta Mountain Resort on the Red Sea and kick-of our next series, searching for the perfect property in the Caribbean with a look at St Kitts and Nevis - two small islands where development is discreet but the lifestyle is typically tropical. There's an update on fractional ownership and the different routes to ownership it covers and we take a look at Brazil as a property investment hotspot. There’s also our pick of the best properties or sale from around the world in 'Hot Properties' plus many more to boot in our property directory, plus the usual comment from Amanda Lamb, who tells us why the perfect holiday home can be as elusive as the perfect man but how anything can be achieved.

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Issue Cover

A Place in the Sun Magazine  |  A Place in the Sun June 2011  

This month we stop by the Canaries, a long-term favourite of the British when it comes to holiday homes that come with year-round weather and great rental returns. We give you a run down of Tenerife, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura and what's currently on offer.

We end our series on property in Egypt with a look at the three lesser-known resorts of Port Ghalib, Soma Bay and the La Siesta Mountain Resort on the Red Sea and kick-of our next series, searching for the perfect property in the Caribbean with a look at St Kitts and Nevis - two small islands where development is discreet but the lifestyle is typically tropical.

There's an update on fractional ownership and the different routes to ownership it covers and we take a look at Brazil as a property investment hotspot.

There’s also our pick of the best properties or sale from around the world in 'Hot Properties' plus many more to boot in our property directory, plus the usual comment from Amanda Lamb, who tells us why the perfect holiday home can be as elusive as the perfect man but how anything can be achieved.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
A Place in the Sun is the UK’s leading overseas property magazine and the official title of the hit television series. Every issues is packed with hundreds of villas and apartments for sale from around the world, information and expert advice on how to buy abroad safely plus celebrity comment from the stars of the TV show – Amanda Lamb, Jonnie Irwin and Jasmine Harman.

A Place in the Sun is the best-read and best-loved overseas property magazine, helping to make the dream of buying abroad a reality.

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Basato su 31 Recensioni dei clienti
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A Place in the Sun Magazine

Love It great read during lock down Recensito 29 marzo 2020

Goes well with the TV programme

Ideal for those who watch the television series back for everyone as well Recensito 15 luglio 2019

Based on TV show

Excellent to accompany TV programme Recensito 16 ottobre 2018

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