Adbusters  |  September-October 2013
The Epic Human Journey, Part 3 (Endless Summer)
Summer is the moment in our collective history when the dice of fortune are rolled. Singularity or Nightfall? Revolutionary horizon or 1000-year Dark Age? Do we continue celebrating the doomsday machine or re-make our Promethean impulses for good? This issue explodes the moment we’re in – whistleblowers, modernity 2.0, Eastern and Western brains, narcissistic personality disorder, the mindf**k of military advertising ... the whole world is up for grabs!
● Non-Western modernity by Pankaj Mishra
● Activist heroes from around the world
● Figure or concept? Surface or depth? – What you see says it all
● Ethan Waters unravels our WEIRD minds
● Culture rot: America’s real enemy within
● The Iranian rial versus the green back by Darren Fleet
● Pedro Inoue looks into the Shining Eyes of Sao Paulo
● Feedback loop – street and government together by Kalle Lasn
● DSM V: Narcissistic Personality Disorder
● CrimethInc. Ex-workers’ Collective and the new terrain
● Individualism, linearity, corporate personhood, progress, growth … We kill the sacred cows one by one!
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Adbusters September-October 2013.