After The Battle  |  Issue 158
THE SIEGE OF WARSAW 1939 - On September 8, 1939, one week into the Nazi invasion of Poland, German armoured troops reached the gates of Warsaw. However, a determined garrison awaited the enemy invader and the Poles were able to stave off two consecutive German attempts to take the capital by armoured attack. Thus began a campaign that would last for three weeks and subject the inhabitants of the city to a ruthless campaign of aerial bombardment and heavy artillery shelling. Campo Prigionieri di Guerra 57 - From the Autumn of 1941 to September 1943 there existed near Udine, in the far north-eastern corner of upper Italy, a prisoner of war camp which was originally set up to house Yugoslav, Albanian and Greek prisoners from Italy's war in the Balkans. Soon it became the main camp for Australian and New Zealand NCOs and aother ranks captured in North Africa. The story is told by Jeffrey Plowman and Stefano Di Giusto. From the Editor - A round-up and update on previous stories from After the Battle.
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