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AIR International Magazine March 2013 Edizione posteriore

155 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Only €6,99
This month in AIR International we continue our Major Series on Attack Helicopters, just one of the leading topics of this month’s smashing 100-page issue. This month we feature exclusive coverage of the ship-based operations flown by British Army Air Corps Apache AH1s into Libya during Operation Unified Protector. Also in detail are the Russian Mi-24PN and Mi-35M Hind, the South African Air Force Rooivalk, and Turkey’s audacious T129 Atak.

But what about all the other stuff in the latest issue?
The first BIG feature this month covers the FAA-imposed grounding of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner including the incidents, the possible cause and the implications for Boeing and its customers.
We have a detailed account of French combat operations in the West African nation of Mali involving Rafales and Mirage fighters and Tigre attack helicopters among many others as part of Opération Serval.
On the eve of potentially gargantuan cuts to the US defence budget, AIR International analyses the current status of three of America’s most expensive war toys: the B-2 Spirit, F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II. Are they good enough to face America’s future threats or are they a Struggling Stealth Triad?
Over in China, cash for problem. We cover Liaoning, the first aircraft carrier underway for the People's Liberation Army Navy and the brand new Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft, which looks very similar to the C-17.

We cover the cost over runs on 16 of the UK’s biggest defence projects including A400M Grizzly, A330 Voyager, and Typhoon, how the US Air Force is wrestling with its C-27J Spartan, T-38C Talon and UH-1N Huey aircraft, and positively bright forecasts from Airbus and Eurocopter for the year ahead.

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AIR International

March 2013 This month in AIR International we continue our Major Series on Attack Helicopters, just one of the leading topics of this month’s smashing 100-page issue. This month we feature exclusive coverage of the ship-based operations flown by British Army Air Corps Apache AH1s into Libya during Operation Unified Protector. Also in detail are the Russian Mi-24PN and Mi-35M Hind, the South African Air Force Rooivalk, and Turkey’s audacious T129 Atak. But what about all the other stuff in the latest issue? The first BIG feature this month covers the FAA-imposed grounding of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner including the incidents, the possible cause and the implications for Boeing and its customers. We have a detailed account of French combat operations in the West African nation of Mali involving Rafales and Mirage fighters and Tigre attack helicopters among many others as part of Opération Serval. On the eve of potentially gargantuan cuts to the US defence budget, AIR International analyses the current status of three of America’s most expensive war toys: the B-2 Spirit, F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II. Are they good enough to face America’s future threats or are they a Struggling Stealth Triad? Over in China, cash for problem. We cover Liaoning, the first aircraft carrier underway for the People's Liberation Army Navy and the brand new Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft, which looks very similar to the C-17. We cover the cost over runs on 16 of the UK’s biggest defence projects including A400M Grizzly, A330 Voyager, and Typhoon, how the US Air Force is wrestling with its C-27J Spartan, T-38C Talon and UH-1N Huey aircraft, and positively bright forecasts from Airbus and Eurocopter for the year ahead. Click preview to view the actual contents pages.

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Issue Cover

AIR International  |  March 2013  

This month in AIR International we continue our Major Series on Attack Helicopters, just one of the leading topics of this month’s smashing 100-page issue. This month we feature exclusive coverage of the ship-based operations flown by British Army Air Corps Apache AH1s into Libya during Operation Unified Protector. Also in detail are the Russian Mi-24PN and Mi-35M Hind, the South African Air Force Rooivalk, and Turkey’s audacious T129 Atak.

But what about all the other stuff in the latest issue?
The first BIG feature this month covers the FAA-imposed grounding of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner including the incidents, the possible cause and the implications for Boeing and its customers.
We have a detailed account of French combat operations in the West African nation of Mali involving Rafales and Mirage fighters and Tigre attack helicopters among many others as part of Opération Serval.
On the eve of potentially gargantuan cuts to the US defence budget, AIR International analyses the current status of three of America’s most expensive war toys: the B-2 Spirit, F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II. Are they good enough to face America’s future threats or are they a Struggling Stealth Triad?
Over in China, cash for problem. We cover Liaoning, the first aircraft carrier underway for the People's Liberation Army Navy and the brand new Y-20 Kunpeng transport aircraft, which looks very similar to the C-17.

We cover the cost over runs on 16 of the UK’s biggest defence projects including A400M Grizzly, A330 Voyager, and Typhoon, how the US Air Force is wrestling with its C-27J Spartan, T-38C Talon and UH-1N Huey aircraft, and positively bright forecasts from Airbus and Eurocopter for the year ahead.

Click preview to view the actual contents pages.
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AIR International Magazine - For the best in modern military and commercial aviation

Brought to you by Key Publishing Ltd, Europe’s Leading Aviation Publisher.

Established in 1972, AIR International has established an unrivalled reputation for authoritative reporting and coverage of the full spectrum of aviation subjects.

More recently, we have tried to improve the magazine from cover to cover. We have more correspondents and top aviation writers from around the world, offering even more exciting news, features and stunning photography.

Published monthly, AIR International has more pages than ever, all still dedicated to commercial and military aviation. Our new, more contemporary and colourful design, packed with more images and improved graphics make each page easier on the eye and, most importantly, more enjoyable to read.

Regular features include:

• The latest global military, commercial and aviation industry news
• Expansive aviation news section with dedicated news reports and columns
• Exclusive interviews with leading military and commercial aviation figures
• In-depth coverage of the latest military aircraft and helicopter types
• Worldwide exercise reports and a new focus on UAVs
• Air forces and airlines analysed
• Airline features and profiles, revealing how they work
• Regular special feature sections and supplements

For more information, visit

Published by Key Publishing Ltd. The entire contents of this title is © copyright 2018. All rights reserved.

Please note: Posters or wall planners included with the printed magazine are currently unavailable with the digital version.

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Basato su 155 Recensioni dei clienti
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AIR International

Great magazine for aircraft buffs: keep it up! Recensito 23 luglio 2020

AIR International

in depth and interesting articles Recensito 19 giugno 2020

AIR International

Very good Recensito 18 giugno 2020

AIR International

love it Recensito 04 aprile 2020

AIR International

good as it is Recensito 02 aprile 2020

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