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Air-Style VW Magazine Autumn 2022 Edizione posteriore

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Automotive)
Only €5,99
A warm welcome to issue 7. If you’re wondering what that creaking noise is, it’s this issue – which is bursting at the seams with our biggest line-up of amazing features to date.
Our cover car is Benoit Surquin’s slammed Beetle, we head over to Belgium to see how his build led not only to a very cool car, but also a whole new group of low-loving air-cooled friends.
Talking of Europe, the region was host to two classic VW shows in July – Hessisch Oldendorf in Germany, which takes place every four years, and European Bug-In in Chimay Belgium, which is every other year. If you weren’t lucky enough to get along, you can read Dave Warren’s report from his recent trips to both, and we have a review of our very own Volks Weald show.
Our resident Bus connoisseur David Eccles tells us about two of his all-time favourite Special Models and in the first of what will be a new series of features, we look at the fascinating world of VW brochures - Richard Copping takes us back to 1955 with a look at the sales literature of the day.
Rob Loughrey, Club Chairman for Leicestershire and Warwickshire VW Owners Club, tells us about the club’s fascinating history; we have a roundup of the latest VW products; a ’67 Split; a Cal-look Beetle that really is a peach of a car; a ’64 Notchback; a wedding Bus that was rescued from a tip; an awesome hot rod; plus much much more.

Thanks for your continued support and positive feedback – it really is appreciated by all of us. It is an absolute pleasure putting each and every issue together for our readers and we have loved every minute of it. Hopefully, our enthusiasm comes through via the pages!

Enjoy the issue!
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Air-Style VW Magazine

Autumn 2022 A warm welcome to issue 7. If you’re wondering what that creaking noise is, it’s this issue – which is bursting at the seams with our biggest line-up of amazing features to date. Our cover car is Benoit Surquin’s slammed Beetle, we head over to Belgium to see how his build led not only to a very cool car, but also a whole new group of low-loving air-cooled friends. Talking of Europe, the region was host to two classic VW shows in July – Hessisch Oldendorf in Germany, which takes place every four years, and European Bug-In in Chimay Belgium, which is every other year. If you weren’t lucky enough to get along, you can read Dave Warren’s report from his recent trips to both, and we have a review of our very own Volks Weald show. Our resident Bus connoisseur David Eccles tells us about two of his all-time favourite Special Models and in the first of what will be a new series of features, we look at the fascinating world of VW brochures - Richard Copping takes us back to 1955 with a look at the sales literature of the day. Rob Loughrey, Club Chairman for Leicestershire and Warwickshire VW Owners Club, tells us about the club’s fascinating history; we have a roundup of the latest VW products; a ’67 Split; a Cal-look Beetle that really is a peach of a car; a ’64 Notchback; a wedding Bus that was rescued from a tip; an awesome hot rod; plus much much more. Thanks for your continued support and positive feedback – it really is appreciated by all of us. It is an absolute pleasure putting each and every issue together for our readers and we have loved every minute of it. Hopefully, our enthusiasm comes through via the pages! Enjoy the issue!

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Issue Cover

Air-Style VW Magazine  |  Autumn 2022  

A warm welcome to issue 7. If you’re wondering what that creaking noise is, it’s this issue – which is bursting at the seams with our biggest line-up of amazing features to date.
Our cover car is Benoit Surquin’s slammed Beetle, we head over to Belgium to see how his build led not only to a very cool car, but also a whole new group of low-loving air-cooled friends.
Talking of Europe, the region was host to two classic VW shows in July – Hessisch Oldendorf in Germany, which takes place every four years, and European Bug-In in Chimay Belgium, which is every other year. If you weren’t lucky enough to get along, you can read Dave Warren’s report from his recent trips to both, and we have a review of our very own Volks Weald show.
Our resident Bus connoisseur David Eccles tells us about two of his all-time favourite Special Models and in the first of what will be a new series of features, we look at the fascinating world of VW brochures - Richard Copping takes us back to 1955 with a look at the sales literature of the day.
Rob Loughrey, Club Chairman for Leicestershire and Warwickshire VW Owners Club, tells us about the club’s fascinating history; we have a roundup of the latest VW products; a ’67 Split; a Cal-look Beetle that really is a peach of a car; a ’64 Notchback; a wedding Bus that was rescued from a tip; an awesome hot rod; plus much much more.

Thanks for your continued support and positive feedback – it really is appreciated by all of us. It is an absolute pleasure putting each and every issue together for our readers and we have loved every minute of it. Hopefully, our enthusiasm comes through via the pages!

Enjoy the issue!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Like many great origin stories - the idea of Air-Style VW Magazine was conceived in a pub. Four like-minded friends knew that they weren't alone in their love for all things Volkswagen. They felt there was a gap in the market for the many that shared their passion, and believed that they could provide a service that speaks to the people in love with the cars, vans, music and lifestyle that makes the VW fandom so unique. Throughout the various pub meetings that followed, the premise grew from a concept into a fully functioning business plan. Their mission was simple… to provide VW enthusiasts with a dedicated publication in which they can learn more about their beloved brand, and share their experiences with other VW devotees.

Fast forward to today, and Air-Style VW Magazine has surpassed expectations. Proud to pair their own passion with fellow VW enthusiasts - Air-Style VW’s success has stemmed from the creators being genuine fans of the brand. Each issue is packed with a combination of car based content and real life stories that educate, inform, and inspire.

Evolve your Volkswagen passion by downloading the latest issue to your device today!

Join forces with fellow VW fanatics with an Air-Style VW Magazine digital subscription. Regular features include:

  • Write-ups and reviews of modern and classic models
  • Owners clubs - insights to VW clubs across the land
  • Your stories - readers share personal tales of their time with VW
  • Fashion and music - a deep dive into the culture away from the cars
  • Under the arches: A look at readers rides
  • Download to your device and read instantly

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