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AirForces Monthly Magazine February 2015 Edizione posteriore

276 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Only €6,99
In the February issue of Air Forces Monthly, we look back at RAF Tornado operations over Afghanistan explaining how this Cold War bomber proved itself to be one of the best close-air support aircraft in the world. But, it was more than that, as our feature explores the tactical reconnaissance missions that the RAF crews undertook during Operation Herrick.

AFM correspondent Nigel Pittaway reports on the first operational deployment of Royal Thai Air Force Gripens to Darwin, Australia. These nimble fighters proved to be more than a match for RAAF Hornets and Singapore F-15SGs and USAF F-16Cs during Exercise Pitch Black.

The ongoing conflict against ISIL is explained with the missions currently being flown by Iran’s small fleet of ten Su-25s, which are the backbone of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Air and Space Forces. Current operations see these venerable attack aircraft locked in a war against terrorist militias in southeast Iran.

Our Aircraft profile covers the workhorse of the battlefield, the IAR/SA330 Puma. An in-depth breakdown of the upgrades and military fleets will bring you up-to-date with this remarkable helicopter.

Erwan de Cherisey examines the role of the United Nations’ helicopters in the struggle to maintain peace in Haiti, one of the world’s most violent trouble spots.

AFM bring you the latest military aviation news from around the world along with deployments and the latest contract information fresh direct the manufacturers.
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AirForces Monthly

February 2015 In the February issue of Air Forces Monthly, we look back at RAF Tornado operations over Afghanistan explaining how this Cold War bomber proved itself to be one of the best close-air support aircraft in the world. But, it was more than that, as our feature explores the tactical reconnaissance missions that the RAF crews undertook during Operation Herrick. AFM correspondent Nigel Pittaway reports on the first operational deployment of Royal Thai Air Force Gripens to Darwin, Australia. These nimble fighters proved to be more than a match for RAAF Hornets and Singapore F-15SGs and USAF F-16Cs during Exercise Pitch Black. The ongoing conflict against ISIL is explained with the missions currently being flown by Iran’s small fleet of ten Su-25s, which are the backbone of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Air and Space Forces. Current operations see these venerable attack aircraft locked in a war against terrorist militias in southeast Iran. Our Aircraft profile covers the workhorse of the battlefield, the IAR/SA330 Puma. An in-depth breakdown of the upgrades and military fleets will bring you up-to-date with this remarkable helicopter. Erwan de Cherisey examines the role of the United Nations’ helicopters in the struggle to maintain peace in Haiti, one of the world’s most violent trouble spots. AFM bring you the latest military aviation news from around the world along with deployments and the latest contract information fresh direct the manufacturers.

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Issue Cover

AirForces Monthly  |  February 2015  

In the February issue of Air Forces Monthly, we look back at RAF Tornado operations over Afghanistan explaining how this Cold War bomber proved itself to be one of the best close-air support aircraft in the world. But, it was more than that, as our feature explores the tactical reconnaissance missions that the RAF crews undertook during Operation Herrick.

AFM correspondent Nigel Pittaway reports on the first operational deployment of Royal Thai Air Force Gripens to Darwin, Australia. These nimble fighters proved to be more than a match for RAAF Hornets and Singapore F-15SGs and USAF F-16Cs during Exercise Pitch Black.

The ongoing conflict against ISIL is explained with the missions currently being flown by Iran’s small fleet of ten Su-25s, which are the backbone of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Air and Space Forces. Current operations see these venerable attack aircraft locked in a war against terrorist militias in southeast Iran.

Our Aircraft profile covers the workhorse of the battlefield, the IAR/SA330 Puma. An in-depth breakdown of the upgrades and military fleets will bring you up-to-date with this remarkable helicopter.

Erwan de Cherisey examines the role of the United Nations’ helicopters in the struggle to maintain peace in Haiti, one of the world’s most violent trouble spots.

AFM bring you the latest military aviation news from around the world along with deployments and the latest contract information fresh direct the manufacturers.
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AirForces Monthly provides the best military aviation news coverage from around the globe and is essential reading for anyone seeking a well-informed view, so subscribe today and save!

AirForces Monthly is devoted entirely to modern military aircraft and their air arms. It has built up a formidable reputation worldwide by reporting from places not generally covered by other military magazines. Its world news is the best around, covering all aspects of military aviation, region by region. AirForces Monthly represents an unrivalled combination of news and reporting, aided by the best network of freelance reporters anywhere in the world.

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