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Airgun Shooter Magazine Summer 2012 Edizione posteriore

55 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Shooting & Archery)
Our cover star this month is the classic S200 from Air Arms. This PCP, designed in conjunction with CZ, is given a new lease of life thanks to a retrofit ten-shot magazine.
We also gain access to the ParalympicsGB shooting squad at one of their training camps at Stoke Mandeville. As well as meeting some of our medal hopes, we also get to chat to the man behind the success, head coach Pasan Kularatne.
Elsewhere we put eight field knives through their paces, visit Ronnie Sunshines’ new retail and range premises and show you how to build a ‘green’ bipod.
Mat Manning and Ian Barnett report in on their latest hunting exploits, with both in reflective moods this month. Mat taking advantage of the chance for a sit-down with the Idleback chair and Ian mulling over the hunter’s mind.
Regular contributors Lyn Lewington and Thom Jarrino are busy this month, too, beginning the strip-down of a Weihrauch HW57 and reviewing a Hawke Airmax EV scope, respectively.
There’s plenty more besides, including the latest happenings in planet airgun and your letters.
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Airgun Shooter

Summer 2012 Our cover star this month is the classic S200 from Air Arms. This PCP, designed in conjunction with CZ, is given a new lease of life thanks to a retrofit ten-shot magazine. We also gain access to the ParalympicsGB shooting squad at one of their training camps at Stoke Mandeville. As well as meeting some of our medal hopes, we also get to chat to the man behind the success, head coach Pasan Kularatne. Elsewhere we put eight field knives through their paces, visit Ronnie Sunshines’ new retail and range premises and show you how to build a ‘green’ bipod. Mat Manning and Ian Barnett report in on their latest hunting exploits, with both in reflective moods this month. Mat taking advantage of the chance for a sit-down with the Idleback chair and Ian mulling over the hunter’s mind. Regular contributors Lyn Lewington and Thom Jarrino are busy this month, too, beginning the strip-down of a Weihrauch HW57 and reviewing a Hawke Airmax EV scope, respectively. There’s plenty more besides, including the latest happenings in planet airgun and your letters. Enjoy.

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Issue Cover

Airgun Shooter  |  Summer 2012  

Our cover star this month is the classic S200 from Air Arms. This PCP, designed in conjunction with CZ, is given a new lease of life thanks to a retrofit ten-shot magazine.
We also gain access to the ParalympicsGB shooting squad at one of their training camps at Stoke Mandeville. As well as meeting some of our medal hopes, we also get to chat to the man behind the success, head coach Pasan Kularatne.
Elsewhere we put eight field knives through their paces, visit Ronnie Sunshines’ new retail and range premises and show you how to build a ‘green’ bipod.
Mat Manning and Ian Barnett report in on their latest hunting exploits, with both in reflective moods this month. Mat taking advantage of the chance for a sit-down with the Idleback chair and Ian mulling over the hunter’s mind.
Regular contributors Lyn Lewington and Thom Jarrino are busy this month, too, beginning the strip-down of a Weihrauch HW57 and reviewing a Hawke Airmax EV scope, respectively.
There’s plenty more besides, including the latest happenings in planet airgun and your letters.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Every page of Airgun Shooter is lovingly crafted with one thing in mind: to help you improve your shooting. Exciting features by the industry's leading experts help your raise your game to new levels, whether you're hunting woodpigeons or shooting targets, while our real-world gun and accessory tests ensure you know exactly where to spend your hard-earned money. Airgun Shooter is a true companion, championing our exciting sport and the people who make it what it is. With gorgeous photography, imaginative formats and slick design, we'll ensure you stay inspired and get maximum enjoyment from your airgun. *** Please note: digital versions do not come with any covermount items or discs that are on printed editions. ***

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Basato su 55 Recensioni dei clienti
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Always informative

Very interesting articles Recensito 20 maggio 2022

Airgun Shooter

Great magazine - please keep them coming. Recensito 25 febbraio 2021

Airgun Shooter

I am new to this magazine, but I have enjoyed reading it so far, it covers a good range of airgun interests. I particularly like the reviews. Recensito 16 giugno 2020

Airgun Shooter

What got me hooked when Mat on a youtube video shown how to mount a video camera on a scope. Recensito 12 giugno 2020

Airgun Shooter

Always something interesting. Recensito 11 marzo 2020

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