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Alpinist Magazine Issue 30 | Spring 2010 Edizione posteriore

0 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Other)
Only €16,99
To Many climbers, the name "Latok" conjures up one of the world's most famous unclimbed routes. But the massif contains more than just the North Ridge of Latok I: a series of spires like "a row of El Capitans." Conrad Anker explores the blanks on the map, while Don Arturo Bergamaschi, Jeff Lowe, Tsuneo Shigehiro, Christian Schlesener and Mark Richey fill in their lines. Meanwhile, Nick Bullock finally quits his job as a prison guard after nine years to begin a long odyssey that leads him to the North Face of Chang Himal. Jeremy Collins illustrates the uniquely Patagonian art of suffering in colorful forms, and Maxine Turgeon bikes and climbs his way across the Alps amid cable cars, curious tourists and crowd-jammed routes.
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Issue 30 | Spring 2010 To Many climbers, the name "Latok" conjures up one of the world's most famous unclimbed routes. But the massif contains more than just the North Ridge of Latok I: a series of spires like "a row of El Capitans." Conrad Anker explores the blanks on the map, while Don Arturo Bergamaschi, Jeff Lowe, Tsuneo Shigehiro, Christian Schlesener and Mark Richey fill in their lines. Meanwhile, Nick Bullock finally quits his job as a prison guard after nine years to begin a long odyssey that leads him to the North Face of Chang Himal. Jeremy Collins illustrates the uniquely Patagonian art of suffering in colorful forms, and Maxine Turgeon bikes and climbs his way across the Alps amid cable cars, curious tourists and crowd-jammed routes.

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Issue Cover

Alpinist  |  Issue 30 | Spring 2010  

To Many climbers, the name "Latok" conjures up one of the world's most famous unclimbed routes. But the massif contains more than just the North Ridge of Latok I: a series of spires like "a row of El Capitans." Conrad Anker explores the blanks on the map, while Don Arturo Bergamaschi, Jeff Lowe, Tsuneo Shigehiro, Christian Schlesener and Mark Richey fill in their lines. Meanwhile, Nick Bullock finally quits his job as a prison guard after nine years to begin a long odyssey that leads him to the North Face of Chang Himal. Jeremy Collins illustrates the uniquely Patagonian art of suffering in colorful forms, and Maxine Turgeon bikes and climbs his way across the Alps amid cable cars, curious tourists and crowd-jammed routes.
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