American Waterfowler  |  Volume III Issue VI
Three great late-season hunts and a closer look at what this season’s bumper crop of mallards holds in store; plus all of AW’s great regular gear; guidance and insightful Hunt Book topics.
Hunt Book picks apart the mallard migration; in each Flyway and state-to-state. Michael Hungle gives decoying solutions for sharing the X; including some Plan B options. Tom Roster outlines a simple; do-it-yourself shotgun patterning procedure. Jarrod Spilger details gun cleaning and maintenance. Our boats column examines hull chine styles and why they are so important when choosing watercraft. Robert Milner points up the differences in field trial dogs and hunting dogs .
Plus: a history of the dependable 870 pump gun, a look ahead at how the drought might hurt and help ducks and a spectacular 8-page photo essay of incoming waterfowl by Gary Zahm.
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