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Australian Country Magazine FREE Sample Issue Edizione speciale

5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Home Interest)
Only €0
In this issue we welcome the new year with a fresh assortment of features from all over rural and regional Australia. In South Australia, we visit artist Dzint Jurevicius and his wife, Ruth, who have a home and gallery on Hindmarsh Island at the mouth of the Murray River, and we also explore the historic Yallum Park at Penola, in the Coonawarra wine district. In Queensland, we catch up with Mel Manley, one of the driving forces behind the Forget Me Not Foundation, which works to stop child trafficking into orphanages for financial gain, mainly in Nepal, India and Uganda. Her home and its splendid garden in the Sunshine Coast hinterland is a tranquil shelter from these difficult times. In NSW, we venture to Dennarque Estate, one of the foundation properties at Mount Wilson in the Blue Mountains. Its splendid gardens were designed by Charles Moore, who was the director of Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden for 48 years. We also head to the central-west, where Wendy and Kim Muffet have built an eco-friendly home and retreat on their 50-acre (20-hectare) organic farm. Our travel story focuses on the Parkes and Forbes region, while our service feature looks to the sanctuary that is the bathroom and all the fittings, fixtures and accessories that make it a haven for relaxation. We’ve design and decorating inspiration as well as a good measure of down-to-earth country wisdom in every story.
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Australian Country

FREE Sample Issue In this issue we welcome the new year with a fresh assortment of features from all over rural and regional Australia. In South Australia, we visit artist Dzint Jurevicius and his wife, Ruth, who have a home and gallery on Hindmarsh Island at the mouth of the Murray River, and we also explore the historic Yallum Park at Penola, in the Coonawarra wine district. In Queensland, we catch up with Mel Manley, one of the driving forces behind the Forget Me Not Foundation, which works to stop child trafficking into orphanages for financial gain, mainly in Nepal, India and Uganda. Her home and its splendid garden in the Sunshine Coast hinterland is a tranquil shelter from these difficult times. In NSW, we venture to Dennarque Estate, one of the foundation properties at Mount Wilson in the Blue Mountains. Its splendid gardens were designed by Charles Moore, who was the director of Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden for 48 years. We also head to the central-west, where Wendy and Kim Muffet have built an eco-friendly home and retreat on their 50-acre (20-hectare) organic farm. Our travel story focuses on the Parkes and Forbes region, while our service feature looks to the sanctuary that is the bathroom and all the fittings, fixtures and accessories that make it a haven for relaxation. We’ve design and decorating inspiration as well as a good measure of down-to-earth country wisdom in every story.

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Issue Cover

Australian Country  |  FREE Sample Issue  

In this issue we welcome the new year with a fresh assortment of features from all over rural and regional Australia. In South Australia, we visit artist Dzint Jurevicius and his wife, Ruth, who have a home and gallery on Hindmarsh Island at the mouth of the Murray River, and we also explore the historic Yallum Park at Penola, in the Coonawarra wine district. In Queensland, we catch up with Mel Manley, one of the driving forces behind the Forget Me Not Foundation, which works to stop child trafficking into orphanages for financial gain, mainly in Nepal, India and Uganda. Her home and its splendid garden in the Sunshine Coast hinterland is a tranquil shelter from these difficult times. In NSW, we venture to Dennarque Estate, one of the foundation properties at Mount Wilson in the Blue Mountains. Its splendid gardens were designed by Charles Moore, who was the director of Sydney’s Royal Botanic Garden for 48 years. We also head to the central-west, where Wendy and Kim Muffet have built an eco-friendly home and retreat on their 50-acre (20-hectare) organic farm. Our travel story focuses on the Parkes and Forbes region, while our service feature looks to the sanctuary that is the bathroom and all the fittings, fixtures and accessories that make it a haven for relaxation. We’ve design and decorating inspiration as well as a good measure of down-to-earth country wisdom in every story.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Australian Country is a bi-monthly magazine for the family member who enjoys the finer things in life: making a home for their loved ones, antiques and collectables, looking at sprawling country homesteads and relaxing on the verandah with siblings, children and grandchildren. Our magazine reflects this, with beautiful photographic spreads of home interiors and exteriors and tips on perfecting the interior of your home, including an array of delicious recipes.

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
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