Australian Railway History  |  Nov-14
Mike Quirk heads the November issue of ARH with another fascinating article on Queensland Railways history, covering the real-life story of ‘Murder on the Bundaberg Mail’. Two passengers were murdered in a sleeping carriage and the conductor received a near-death bashing from which he never recovered. Smart police work and contributions by members of the public identified the murderer and brought him to justice.
Part 2 of Wayne Dempsey’s story is the main feature, this time covering his 31 years working at Sydney’s Terminal Station. Supported by excellent photographs, it covers a fascinating range of the activities by railway staff at the station, particularly ‘behind the scenes’ activities. A delightful short article by John Masson on his narrow gauge experiences at Jamestown in South Australia rounds off the issue
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Articoli in questo numero
Di seguito una selezione di articoli in Australian Railway History Nov-14.