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Aviation Classics Magazine Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich Edizione speciale

61 Recensioni   •  English   •   Aviation & Transport (Aviation)
Much has been written about German ‘secret project’ aircraft designs in the decades since the end of the Second World War but much still remains to be discovered about what went on behind closed doors at companies such as Focke-Wulf, Messerschmitt, Arado and Heinkel.

Ongoing new research in archives around the world has revealed dozens of previously unknown wartime plans and proposals for aircraft that were radical, revolutionary or just plain weird. In the fourth volume of his Luftwaffe series, historian Dan Sharp reveals a wealth of new discoveries - including never-before-seen drawings and designs for fighters, bombers, transporters, rammers, ground-attack aircraft, flying boats and flying bombs.

Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich profiles Arado’s flying triangle and the amphibian Ar 233, the DVL’s tailless jet fighter, Gotha’s missing link P-60.007, Henschel’s single-jet P 108, Messerschmitt’s supersonic experimental research aircraft and more ‘unknown’ designs.

Hundreds of original and previously unseen documents have been used to compile this unrivalled look at some of Germany’s least-known Second World War project designs, featuring a host of new and period drawings, illustrations and photographs.
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Aviation Classics

Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich Much has been written about German ‘secret project’ aircraft designs in the decades since the end of the Second World War but much still remains to be discovered about what went on behind closed doors at companies such as Focke-Wulf, Messerschmitt, Arado and Heinkel. Ongoing new research in archives around the world has revealed dozens of previously unknown wartime plans and proposals for aircraft that were radical, revolutionary or just plain weird. In the fourth volume of his Luftwaffe series, historian Dan Sharp reveals a wealth of new discoveries - including never-before-seen drawings and designs for fighters, bombers, transporters, rammers, ground-attack aircraft, flying boats and flying bombs. Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich profiles Arado’s flying triangle and the amphibian Ar 233, the DVL’s tailless jet fighter, Gotha’s missing link P-60.007, Henschel’s single-jet P 108, Messerschmitt’s supersonic experimental research aircraft and more ‘unknown’ designs. Hundreds of original and previously unseen documents have been used to compile this unrivalled look at some of Germany’s least-known Second World War project designs, featuring a host of new and period drawings, illustrations and photographs.

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Issue Cover

Aviation Classics  |  Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich  

Much has been written about German ‘secret project’ aircraft designs in the decades since the end of the Second World War but much still remains to be discovered about what went on behind closed doors at companies such as Focke-Wulf, Messerschmitt, Arado and Heinkel.

Ongoing new research in archives around the world has revealed dozens of previously unknown wartime plans and proposals for aircraft that were radical, revolutionary or just plain weird. In the fourth volume of his Luftwaffe series, historian Dan Sharp reveals a wealth of new discoveries - including never-before-seen drawings and designs for fighters, bombers, transporters, rammers, ground-attack aircraft, flying boats and flying bombs.

Luftwaffe: Secret Designs of the Third Reich profiles Arado’s flying triangle and the amphibian Ar 233, the DVL’s tailless jet fighter, Gotha’s missing link P-60.007, Henschel’s single-jet P 108, Messerschmitt’s supersonic experimental research aircraft and more ‘unknown’ designs.

Hundreds of original and previously unseen documents have been used to compile this unrivalled look at some of Germany’s least-known Second World War project designs, featuring a host of new and period drawings, illustrations and photographs.
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Welcome to Aviation Classics, a series of high-quality glossy publications centred on the world’s greatest aircraft, the events in which they played crucial roles and those who flew, maintained and supported them.

Every issue focuses on one aircraft, or significant event in history. Aircraft covered so far include the Avro Lancaster, the P-51 Mustang, Supermarine Spitfire, and the English Electric Lightning. Famous events covered include; World War 1, and the Battle of Britain.

Each issue contains carefully researched data, unique photography - including some never before seem images, and in-depth features on the aircraft and those who flew them.

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Basato su 61 Recensioni dei clienti
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Aviation Classics

Excellent in every aspect! Recensito 10 giugno 2020

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