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Bass Player UK Magazine 95 September 2013 Edizione posteriore

59 Recensioni   •  English   •   Music (Other)
Thrash metal is not known for its bass players. There are too many guitar riffs for a start, played at ridiculous speeds, making the musical environment a difficult one for bass players. But then there’s Frank Bello, the most notable exception, whipping out super-melodic fills with amazing fingerstyle precision – and headbanging like a demon at the same time. How does anyone do this for 20 minutes without sustaining an injury, we ask him, let alone 30 years? Read and learn. Elsewhere in this issue we talk to Tom Hamilton of Aerosmith, surely one of the few remaining acts playing at stadium level with roots in the 1970s; Norman Watt-Roy of the Blockheads, one of Britain’s most accomplished bassists; the ineffably funky Freekbass; and bassists from Volbeat, Skid Row, Saint Jude, Devildriver, The Faceless and many more. As always, we aim to cover as much bass territory as we can, so as well as the talking bass-heads you’ll also find reviews of gear to suit all budgets and playing styles. Affordable, eye-wateringly expensive, acoustic, electric (even upright, if you count our tuition columns) but in every case essential consideration for anyone who plays the bass, it’s all here.
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Bass Player UK

95 September 2013 Thrash metal is not known for its bass players. There are too many guitar riffs for a start, played at ridiculous speeds, making the musical environment a difficult one for bass players. But then there’s Frank Bello, the most notable exception, whipping out super-melodic fills with amazing fingerstyle precision – and headbanging like a demon at the same time. How does anyone do this for 20 minutes without sustaining an injury, we ask him, let alone 30 years? Read and learn. Elsewhere in this issue we talk to Tom Hamilton of Aerosmith, surely one of the few remaining acts playing at stadium level with roots in the 1970s; Norman Watt-Roy of the Blockheads, one of Britain’s most accomplished bassists; the ineffably funky Freekbass; and bassists from Volbeat, Skid Row, Saint Jude, Devildriver, The Faceless and many more. As always, we aim to cover as much bass territory as we can, so as well as the talking bass-heads you’ll also find reviews of gear to suit all budgets and playing styles. Affordable, eye-wateringly expensive, acoustic, electric (even upright, if you count our tuition columns) but in every case essential consideration for anyone who plays the bass, it’s all here.

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Issue Cover

Bass Player UK  |  95 September 2013  

Thrash metal is not known for its bass players. There are too many guitar riffs for a start, played at ridiculous speeds, making the musical environment a difficult one for bass players. But then there’s Frank Bello, the most notable exception, whipping out super-melodic fills with amazing fingerstyle precision – and headbanging like a demon at the same time. How does anyone do this for 20 minutes without sustaining an injury, we ask him, let alone 30 years? Read and learn. Elsewhere in this issue we talk to Tom Hamilton of Aerosmith, surely one of the few remaining acts playing at stadium level with roots in the 1970s; Norman Watt-Roy of the Blockheads, one of Britain’s most accomplished bassists; the ineffably funky Freekbass; and bassists from Volbeat, Skid Row, Saint Jude, Devildriver, The Faceless and many more. As always, we aim to cover as much bass territory as we can, so as well as the talking bass-heads you’ll also find reviews of gear to suit all budgets and playing styles. Affordable, eye-wateringly expensive, acoustic, electric (even upright, if you count our tuition columns) but in every case essential consideration for anyone who plays the bass, it’s all here.
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Bass Player UK Magazine is the UK's only title devoted to the bass in all its forms for professional players and those just beginning to learn. Using expert writers and reviewers who know their subject in incredible detail, it provides the latest educational columns, news and reviews of instruments, accessories and equipment. Every issue has transcriptions and tuition put together by a team of dedicated professional players so that every reader can learn and nail those all-important basslines. You'll even find genuine rock, jazz, metal and funk stars writing their own columns too.

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Basato su 59 Recensioni dei clienti
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Really interesting

Lots of interesting articles Recensito 25 aprile 2022

Bass Player UK

I'm writing from Colombia. I really enjoy the magazine. Thanks guys. Recensito 20 dicembre 2020

Always a good read

Really entertaining view of guitar Recensito 11 luglio 2019

Preferred the old reader

Although the new version has a few extra goodies like a side menu with all articles and a nicer layout, the zoom isn't as good as the old reader. With my phone horizontal the maximum zoom still has tiny lettering. It would be no good to someone who is short sighted. Recensito 24 novembre 2012

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