Black+White Photography  |  June 2013
This month we immerse ourselves in the world of fashion photography to talk masculinity, identity and style with Arteh Odjidja and enter a melting pot of fine art and fashion as we luxuriate in the beguiling wet-plate collodion images of Rosie Welsh. Tipping our lens cap to a master of the genre, we look back on the iconic fashion pictures of the glorious Jeanloup Sieff.
Bikers and their surprisingly beautiful faces take centre stage in American Connection, while the National Media Museum archives yield some diverse cloud images and Guy Gagnon reveals his passion for toys, cookies and shooting from the heart when he takes up the B+W hot seat. Never one to be out shone, recent recipient of a Pink Lady Food Photography Award Tim Clinch talks blind tasting whiskey, cameras and how to get your horizons straight – it gets harder after the whiskey Tim!
Joining the film resurgence, Eddie Ephraums rediscovers the ups and downs of film; we bring you the ultimate guide to understanding those pesky histograms; Tim Daly brings us a step-by-step guide to printing cyanotype on fabric; and we put the Fujifilm X-E1 through its paces before delving into a fantastic book by Annie Leibovitz in Building a Classic Library.
Plus, news, reviews, exhibitions, your monthly photographic challenge and our favourite readers’ images.
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