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Britain at War Magazine B-52 Stratofortress Edizione speciale

61 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (History & Knowledge)
Only €7,99
Created by the team behind AirForces Monthly magazine, B-52 is a 100-page publication celebrating 60 remarkable years of service for the USAF's Stratofortress. With exclusive content and fascinating stories of the B-52's decisive role in Vietnam, the Cold War and, more recently, Iraq and Afghanistan this is the perfect tribute to 'The Buff'. Features include:

- Creating a Warrior - Jerry Gunner explains how the B-52 came about, why it was needed and how the final design was reached.
- From A to H - Bob Archer describes the different B-52 variants including the two prototype aircraft.
- The Bomber Bible - The ultimate guide to every B-52 built, including details of those in museums, displayed at air bases, on active duty and those lost in service.

and much more!
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Britain at War Magazine

B-52 Stratofortress Created by the team behind AirForces Monthly magazine, B-52 is a 100-page publication celebrating 60 remarkable years of service for the USAF's Stratofortress. With exclusive content and fascinating stories of the B-52's decisive role in Vietnam, the Cold War and, more recently, Iraq and Afghanistan this is the perfect tribute to 'The Buff'. Features include: - Creating a Warrior - Jerry Gunner explains how the B-52 came about, why it was needed and how the final design was reached. - From A to H - Bob Archer describes the different B-52 variants including the two prototype aircraft. - The Bomber Bible - The ultimate guide to every B-52 built, including details of those in museums, displayed at air bases, on active duty and those lost in service. and much more!

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Issue Cover

Britain at War Magazine  |  B-52 Stratofortress  

Created by the team behind AirForces Monthly magazine, B-52 is a 100-page publication celebrating 60 remarkable years of service for the USAF's Stratofortress. With exclusive content and fascinating stories of the B-52's decisive role in Vietnam, the Cold War and, more recently, Iraq and Afghanistan this is the perfect tribute to 'The Buff'. Features include:

- Creating a Warrior - Jerry Gunner explains how the B-52 came about, why it was needed and how the final design was reached.
- From A to H - Bob Archer describes the different B-52 variants including the two prototype aircraft.
- The Bomber Bible - The ultimate guide to every B-52 built, including details of those in museums, displayed at air bases, on active duty and those lost in service.

and much more!
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Basato su 61 Recensioni dei clienti
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Britain at War Magazine

I enjoy the articles in the Britain At War Magazine, the accompanying photos and graphics are all excellent. Thank you. Recensito 25 luglio 2020

Britain at War Magazine

Always well done. Topics are brought to light with detail and accuracy. Recensito 27 febbraio 2020

Fantastic Mag Dedicated to Remembering Britain at War in 20C

Fantastic Mag Dedicated to Remembering Britain at War in 20C Recensito 26 ottobre 2018

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