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British Chess Magazine February 2022 Edizione posteriore

29 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Other)
Only €6,99
In an interview for BCM, World No 3 Ding Liren talks about his chess path and the challenges and difficulties of being a professional chess player. In the interview, Ding Liren gave his reaction to recent comments by Magnus Carlsen about Alireza Firouzja being the only one who could motivate the Norwegian to defend his chess crown.

GM Aleksandar Colovic brings a detailed analysis of the best games of Wijk aan Zee. IM Shaun Tualbut takes a look back at the London Classic with the selected games from the British knockout and the match between England and the world elite. GM Ray Keene writes about the similarities between Aron Nimzowitsch and Nodirbek Abdusattorov. The Quotes and Queries column is dedicated to the late Jonathan Penrose while Pete Tamburro takes the readers on a walk “inside the Master’s head” in his Openings for Amateurs column.

For those who want to improve their pay, we have a selection of studies and problems, to satisfy your mind!
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British Chess Magazine

February 2022 In an interview for BCM, World No 3 Ding Liren talks about his chess path and the challenges and difficulties of being a professional chess player. In the interview, Ding Liren gave his reaction to recent comments by Magnus Carlsen about Alireza Firouzja being the only one who could motivate the Norwegian to defend his chess crown. GM Aleksandar Colovic brings a detailed analysis of the best games of Wijk aan Zee. IM Shaun Tualbut takes a look back at the London Classic with the selected games from the British knockout and the match between England and the world elite. GM Ray Keene writes about the similarities between Aron Nimzowitsch and Nodirbek Abdusattorov. The Quotes and Queries column is dedicated to the late Jonathan Penrose while Pete Tamburro takes the readers on a walk “inside the Master’s head” in his Openings for Amateurs column. For those who want to improve their pay, we have a selection of studies and problems, to satisfy your mind!

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Issue Cover

British Chess Magazine  |  February 2022  

In an interview for BCM, World No 3 Ding Liren talks about his chess path and the challenges and difficulties of being a professional chess player. In the interview, Ding Liren gave his reaction to recent comments by Magnus Carlsen about Alireza Firouzja being the only one who could motivate the Norwegian to defend his chess crown.

GM Aleksandar Colovic brings a detailed analysis of the best games of Wijk aan Zee. IM Shaun Tualbut takes a look back at the London Classic with the selected games from the British knockout and the match between England and the world elite. GM Ray Keene writes about the similarities between Aron Nimzowitsch and Nodirbek Abdusattorov. The Quotes and Queries column is dedicated to the late Jonathan Penrose while Pete Tamburro takes the readers on a walk “inside the Master’s head” in his Openings for Amateurs column.

For those who want to improve their pay, we have a selection of studies and problems, to satisfy your mind!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
British Chess Magazine is the world’s oldest chess journal, published continuously since 1881. It appears monthly and is packed with in depth informative content about the Royal Game. You will find high quality games and analysis, reports on recent tournaments, articles and analysis about openings, interviews with famous players, authoritative and independent book and DVD reviews, instructional articles and regular features on problems and endgames. Articles about famous players present and past reveal the game’s greatest talents and rich history. BCM has a unique focus on the British chess scene while covering major news and events internationally. Readers will enjoy coverage of the important annual Hastings and Gibraltar Masters tournaments and the British Chess Championship.

BCM caters for players of all ages and strengths, from beginners to masters, and features men’s and women’s chess. BCM will help you improve your play and results - check your progress with our regular “Test Your Chess” feature written by our own International Master Shaun Taulbut. You can sharpen and test your attacking skills with our monthly “Spot the Continuation” feature.

BCM helps you find out where to buy chess books and equipment, and great pictures bring BCM to colourful life.BCM is a must read and great choice for players and enthusiasts of all ages and abilities – and makes a great present!

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Basato su 29 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

British Chess Magazine

Great as always Recensito 09 febbraio 2021

British Chess Magazine

One of my favorite magazines. Recensito 08 febbraio 2021

British Chess Magazine

Excellent magazine...Missing Nick pert's Endgame column or Speelman endgame column; Any chance of a Sadler column
Recensito 25 maggio 2020

British Chess Magazine

thanks Recensito 08 aprile 2020

Very entertaining

Really interesting read for all those lovers of chess in Britain and elsewhere Recensito 12 luglio 2019

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