Cage & Aviary Birds  |  5775 More Champions Wanted
I’M TEMPTED TO say it’s the end of an era. Simon
Dunn, our long-serving advertising manager, certainly
would – but then he’s a salesman, of course. Still, the
fact is that “our Simon” is about to become “our
ex-Simon”, because he’s moving to an impressive
new sales job on Kelsey Media’s latest magazine launch,
which is none other than the BBC Antiques Roadshow
Magazine. (Yes, I thought of that antiques/Simon joke, too.)
Don’t rush to your newsagent just yet, because we don’t
launch the new magazine till early next year. But what you
could do right away is make a note of Simon’s successor in
charge of display advertising, who as of now is Charlotte
Steadman. Charlotte has worked on Cage & Aviary Birds
before and is making a timely return after maternity leave.
So if you want to book a display or Birdmart advert, contact
Charlotte on 01959 543 608 or email:
For free and classified ads, see the contact details at the top
of page 27. Hope that’s clear! And welcome back Charlotte.
■ There’s lots about the National Exhibition elsewhere in
the paper, so I’ll just say what a pleasure it was to meet so
many friends old and new on the day, and to enjoy the
show sections. Thanks to everyone who stopped by our
stand and allowed us to put names to more faces.
■ Even in the midst of the Stafford rush, our thoughts often
strayed to our regular contributor Graham Wellstead,
recently the victim of a truly sickening aviary theft. Those
many of you who know and have been helped by Graham
will, I’m certain, share our sympathy and outrage. To his
great credit, Graham has chosen to speak publicly about
his experience on page 4. Yesterday he told me: “I will NOT
be beaten.” An example to us all, even
in the darkest of circumstances.
Enjoy your birds this week – and
please take extra care of them.
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