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Canadian Geographic Magazine Sept/Oct 2022 Edizione posteriore

41 Recensioni   •  English   •   General Interest (National & Regional)
Only €5,99
Canadian Geographic SeptemberOctober 2022, Vol. 142, No. 5

Ultimate Quiz Great Lakes Edition! 50 Questions to test your freshwater smarts. Wildlife, Geography, Shipwrecks, History.

Hudson Bay Lowlands: Mapping the past and present of these vast wetlands

Sound of silence: How we’re changing nature’s noise

Métis Nation of Ontario: A rich history and the hunt for justice

Mapping research in the arctic ocean

PLUS: The future of urban forests, mapping wayward bird migrations, inside the Tuktoyaktuk community ice house, revisiting the 1972 Summit Series and much more!
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Canadian Geographic Preview Pages Canadian Geographic Preview Pages Canadian Geographic Preview Pages Canadian Geographic Preview Pages

Canadian Geographic

Sept/Oct 2022 Canadian Geographic SeptemberOctober 2022, Vol. 142, No. 5 Ultimate Quiz Great Lakes Edition! 50 Questions to test your freshwater smarts. Wildlife, Geography, Shipwrecks, History. Hudson Bay Lowlands: Mapping the past and present of these vast wetlands Sound of silence: How we’re changing nature’s noise Métis Nation of Ontario: A rich history and the hunt for justice Mapping research in the arctic ocean PLUS: The future of urban forests, mapping wayward bird migrations, inside the Tuktoyaktuk community ice house, revisiting the 1972 Summit Series and much more!

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Issue Cover

Canadian Geographic  |  Sept/Oct 2022  

Canadian Geographic SeptemberOctober 2022, Vol. 142, No. 5

Ultimate Quiz Great Lakes Edition! 50 Questions to test your freshwater smarts. Wildlife, Geography, Shipwrecks, History.

Hudson Bay Lowlands: Mapping the past and present of these vast wetlands

Sound of silence: How we’re changing nature’s noise

Métis Nation of Ontario: A rich history and the hunt for justice

Mapping research in the arctic ocean

PLUS: The future of urban forests, mapping wayward bird migrations, inside the Tuktoyaktuk community ice house, revisiting the 1972 Summit Series and much more!
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Comprehensive, authoritative, delightfully readable and fabulously illustrated with colour photographs, maps, charts, diagrams and pull-out posters. As a means of understanding Canada’s history, people, places, culture, environment and wildlife, there is no other magazine like Canadian Geographic.

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Basato su 41 Recensioni dei clienti
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Canadian Geographic

I am probably going to jinx it, but I appreciate the option of both an electronic copy and a hard copy. This has been working well for a student who gets the hard copy and I can access the online one. I can set up assignments as we are both reading the exact same issues. Thank you. Hope you will continue to offer this option.

Of course, the variety of articles have been great for my student as well. They have ranged from information about different species to current events to geography have been great! And they are all about our great country! Thanks!

With COVID, it has been a blessing to both student and me that we get the resource without having to pick it up from school or the public library. It is great that they can be delivered to the requested address and email.

Thank you for all of your hard work!
Recensito 24 febbraio 2021

Canadian Geographic

Always have many interesting articles and lots of beautiful photos. Recensito 09 luglio 2020

Canadian Geographic

Enjoyable read, brings back memories of my time living in Ottawa..
Delivery to the UK has become MOST unreliable.
Recensito 01 giugno 2020

Not just for Canadians

Fascinating view of Canada's wonderful ecosystem Recensito 16 ottobre 2018

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