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Canadian Yachting Magazine February 2022 Edizione posteriore

5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Boards & Watersports)
Only €4,99
Boating is booming and better than ever!

Welcome to the February 2022 Boat Show issue of Canadian Yachting magazine and the start of an exciting new year! Boating has enjoyed an unprecedented boom in popularity in the last two years and manufacturers are scrambling to meet the demand as they develop new boats to address the latest market trends.

Last October we ran the risk of traveling to the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show because this is usually the first show for the new model year. We have a 4-page pictorial of the most exciting 2022 new models that we saw in Florida. Its’s your sneak preview for the Toronto International Boat Show opening on January 21st this year and the Vancouver International Boat Show opening on February 9th.

Also in this issue of Canadian Yachting, look for the full boat review by Katherine Stone on the spectacular Fountaine Pajot Isla 40 catamaran. We also have reviews of the magnificent Neptunus 650E and the thrilling new Cruisers Yachts 34 GLS.

Two whet your appetite for cruising and traveling, we have a grand pictorial on one of Canada's great boating destinations, the Rideau Canal.

One of the most interesting stories we've featured in a long time is a boating lifestyle story about a couple who commissioned a specially equipped North Pacific 40 to accommodate their health and safety needs so that they could continue cruising. It’s an inspiring and interesting read by Marianne Scott!

All that and more is in the exciting February 2022 boat show issue of Canadian Yachting magazine. We hope to see you at the shows this winter!
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Canadian Yachting

February 2022 Boating is booming and better than ever! Welcome to the February 2022 Boat Show issue of Canadian Yachting magazine and the start of an exciting new year! Boating has enjoyed an unprecedented boom in popularity in the last two years and manufacturers are scrambling to meet the demand as they develop new boats to address the latest market trends. Last October we ran the risk of traveling to the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show because this is usually the first show for the new model year. We have a 4-page pictorial of the most exciting 2022 new models that we saw in Florida. Its’s your sneak preview for the Toronto International Boat Show opening on January 21st this year and the Vancouver International Boat Show opening on February 9th. Also in this issue of Canadian Yachting, look for the full boat review by Katherine Stone on the spectacular Fountaine Pajot Isla 40 catamaran. We also have reviews of the magnificent Neptunus 650E and the thrilling new Cruisers Yachts 34 GLS. Two whet your appetite for cruising and traveling, we have a grand pictorial on one of Canada's great boating destinations, the Rideau Canal. One of the most interesting stories we've featured in a long time is a boating lifestyle story about a couple who commissioned a specially equipped North Pacific 40 to accommodate their health and safety needs so that they could continue cruising. It’s an inspiring and interesting read by Marianne Scott! All that and more is in the exciting February 2022 boat show issue of Canadian Yachting magazine. We hope to see you at the shows this winter!

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Issue Cover

Canadian Yachting  |  February 2022  

Boating is booming and better than ever!

Welcome to the February 2022 Boat Show issue of Canadian Yachting magazine and the start of an exciting new year! Boating has enjoyed an unprecedented boom in popularity in the last two years and manufacturers are scrambling to meet the demand as they develop new boats to address the latest market trends.

Last October we ran the risk of traveling to the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show because this is usually the first show for the new model year. We have a 4-page pictorial of the most exciting 2022 new models that we saw in Florida. Its’s your sneak preview for the Toronto International Boat Show opening on January 21st this year and the Vancouver International Boat Show opening on February 9th.

Also in this issue of Canadian Yachting, look for the full boat review by Katherine Stone on the spectacular Fountaine Pajot Isla 40 catamaran. We also have reviews of the magnificent Neptunus 650E and the thrilling new Cruisers Yachts 34 GLS.

Two whet your appetite for cruising and traveling, we have a grand pictorial on one of Canada's great boating destinations, the Rideau Canal.

One of the most interesting stories we've featured in a long time is a boating lifestyle story about a couple who commissioned a specially equipped North Pacific 40 to accommodate their health and safety needs so that they could continue cruising. It’s an inspiring and interesting read by Marianne Scott!

All that and more is in the exciting February 2022 boat show issue of Canadian Yachting magazine. We hope to see you at the shows this winter!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
Canadian Yachting is the only national publication that brings relevant lifestyle stories, travel destinations and high-end product reviews to boaters and yachtsmen in marinas and yacht clubs across Canada. Our focussed editorial on boat reviews, cruising destinations, new product profiles, safety tips and DIY, Canadian Yachting is Canada’s Lifestyle Boating magazine.

The 16-issue subscription includes 1 year’s worth of Canadian Yachting and Canadian Yachting West magazines

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Great read

Particularly useful for those in Canada Recensito 16 luglio 2019

Not just for Canada

Interesting for those anywhere not just in North America Recensito 30 gennaio 2018

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