Not all wizards wear capes. Some wear thick-rimmed glasses. Trevor Horn is the Emeritus Professor figure of the New Pop of the 1980s. Sipping a mug of tea in a conservatory on a grotty English autumn afternoon, he has the relaxed but authoritative air of a man who has nothing left to (im)prove.
Between 1979 – his arrival as leader of the Buggles – and the petering out of the Frankie Goes To Hollywood project circa 1986, Trevor Horn established himself as the producer who all other practitioners of the pristine called ‘boss’. His rise truly began when he coaxed the washed-up pop duo Dollar into making the best three singles of their career, pulling a similar Henry Higgins-esque stunt to that carried off by Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards with Sister Sledge, and creating a sonic calling card from which all else followed, most importantly ABC’s still-peerless The Lexicon Of Love.
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