The life and times of Madness are to be scrutinised and celebrated in a three-part TV documentary. Before We Was We premieres exclusively on AMC via BT TV on 1 May at 9pm and each 60-minute episode features new interviews with all the band members plus never-before seen footage of the Nutty Boys in their youth. Looking back at his career, Suggs explained: “I don’t remember ever thinking about whether it was going to
last. You see this polished Madness that’s been going for years and people would think, ‘Course you knew.’ But I didn’t have a clue. I wasn’t taking it the slightest bit seriously. That’s why I got thrown out of the band at the start, because I just thought it was a laugh and just something to do – hanging out with cool geezers. The idea that I was ever going to make a career out of it was totally beyond my comprehension.”
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