Social distancing rules
As the lockdown begins to ease, I am particularly looking forward to getting in some practice during what may be left of the decent weather. That said, I am a little concerned about visiting a gun shop to stock up on cartridges, or going to a ground to practise. I am a veteran shooter with a pre-existing medical condition and I want to stay safe. Can I be sure that staff and other customers will observe the rules, particularly in these early stages of release?
A Any shooter, veteran or not, should be cautious and sensible in these times of early release from lockdown. Precautions like wearing face masks, hand washing and social distancing are not law, they are guidance. However, the vast majority of traders in the shooting industry are complying with the current guidance as best they can, and shooters themselves generally are cooperating fully, as you’d expect for a responsible, law-abiding community.