There were loud cheers and lots of jumping up and down for joy when the CPSA announced that shooting grounds could reopen, albeit with strict guidance and procedures required. Of course we are also faced with the situation being slightly different in each of the home countries. Writing this article at the end of May, shooting grounds have been able to reopen in England, but not in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland. There is much work being done by shooting grounds to enable them to reopen. Guidance documents have had to be prepared, measures put in place to ensure safety, and assessment paperwork completed.
Not all shooting grounds are ready to reopen just yet. For some it is not viable to open with limitations, while for others there are wider implications if they do. So if your local or favourite shooting ground is not yet open, don’t get angry, irritated or upset. Bear with them and things will ease and more shooting grounds will be able to open. In the meantime, if you are going shooting, plan ahead and make sure you can get the full benefit without causing problems for others.