Coast  |  No.89 Great Outdoors
I am pleased to say that the coast team are sticking to their
New Year resolutions. Here in the office we have replaced cake
and chocolate with fruit and nuts, and we’re tearing ourselves
away from our computer screens to walk through the fields
and forests that surround us. Come rain or shine, we’re donning
our wellies and getting out into nature.
It’s easy to forget that spending so much time indoors is a relatively modern trend. Central heating and new technology keeps us – and our children – out of the daylight for many more hours than the previous generation. When my mother was a baby, my granny, along with all the other mums, would leave the prams outside the back door. They inherently knew the benefits of fresh air. We don’t really know how all this screen-time and staying indoors will affect our health in the future, but what we do know is that after our walks, we feel refreshed, revived and happier. And that can’t be a bad thing. As spring approaches, do tell us where your fresh air fixes are taking you.
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