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DNA Magazine 188 - Sexiest Men Alive Edizione posteriore

512 Recensioni   •  English   •   Men's Interest (Gay)
Only €5,99
DNA #188 is our Sexiest Men Alive issue. Our cover model this month is Ricky Tishler. Check out his shoot with Simon Le inside.

There’s plenty of eye candy inside this issue. Chris Pratt transforms from Fat to Fit, Ryan Phillippe is our new favourite DILF, Ken Bek is red hot, Josh Cho may just be Seol’s hottest model, Nick Jonas is the new “it” boy, we check out Bryan Hawn as well as all our online favourites.

There’s more to check out including Neighbours star Matt Wilson, DNA cover boy Willie Gomez, the irresistible Walter Savage, M Randall, Barrett Pall and more.

Holding The Man finally hits cinemas this month and this issue is full of the interviews you need to read. Screenwriter Tommy Murphy tells us all the behind-the-scenes goss, Actor Ryan Corr explains what this film means to him, Mark Trevorrow recalls the real Tim Conigrave and Craig Stott fills us in on all the raunchy scenes.

We catch up with Courtney Act, Lincoln Jesser gets a bit freaky, find out why everyone is watching Sense 8, we celebrate Aussie icons Savage Garde, plus check out Lilting, art by Fer Quirarte and Rugby star Daniel Conn is our Straight Mate.

All our favourites are here, too, including Loving, Month in a Minute, Burnttoast, Dear Diva, Urban H, Make Me Hot, Travel and Theatre.
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DNA Magazine

188 - Sexiest Men Alive DNA #188 is our Sexiest Men Alive issue. Our cover model this month is Ricky Tishler. Check out his shoot with Simon Le inside. There’s plenty of eye candy inside this issue. Chris Pratt transforms from Fat to Fit, Ryan Phillippe is our new favourite DILF, Ken Bek is red hot, Josh Cho may just be Seol’s hottest model, Nick Jonas is the new “it” boy, we check out Bryan Hawn as well as all our online favourites. There’s more to check out including Neighbours star Matt Wilson, DNA cover boy Willie Gomez, the irresistible Walter Savage, M Randall, Barrett Pall and more. Holding The Man finally hits cinemas this month and this issue is full of the interviews you need to read. Screenwriter Tommy Murphy tells us all the behind-the-scenes goss, Actor Ryan Corr explains what this film means to him, Mark Trevorrow recalls the real Tim Conigrave and Craig Stott fills us in on all the raunchy scenes. We catch up with Courtney Act, Lincoln Jesser gets a bit freaky, find out why everyone is watching Sense 8, we celebrate Aussie icons Savage Garde, plus check out Lilting, art by Fer Quirarte and Rugby star Daniel Conn is our Straight Mate. All our favourites are here, too, including Loving, Month in a Minute, Burnttoast, Dear Diva, Urban H, Make Me Hot, Travel and Theatre.

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Issue Cover

DNA Magazine  |  188 - Sexiest Men Alive  

DNA #188 is our Sexiest Men Alive issue. Our cover model this month is Ricky Tishler. Check out his shoot with Simon Le inside.

There’s plenty of eye candy inside this issue. Chris Pratt transforms from Fat to Fit, Ryan Phillippe is our new favourite DILF, Ken Bek is red hot, Josh Cho may just be Seol’s hottest model, Nick Jonas is the new “it” boy, we check out Bryan Hawn as well as all our online favourites.

There’s more to check out including Neighbours star Matt Wilson, DNA cover boy Willie Gomez, the irresistible Walter Savage, M Randall, Barrett Pall and more.

Holding The Man finally hits cinemas this month and this issue is full of the interviews you need to read. Screenwriter Tommy Murphy tells us all the behind-the-scenes goss, Actor Ryan Corr explains what this film means to him, Mark Trevorrow recalls the real Tim Conigrave and Craig Stott fills us in on all the raunchy scenes.

We catch up with Courtney Act, Lincoln Jesser gets a bit freaky, find out why everyone is watching Sense 8, we celebrate Aussie icons Savage Garde, plus check out Lilting, art by Fer Quirarte and Rugby star Daniel Conn is our Straight Mate.

All our favourites are here, too, including Loving, Month in a Minute, Burnttoast, Dear Diva, Urban H, Make Me Hot, Travel and Theatre.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

Launched in Australia in 2000, DNA magazine is your one-stop shop for the hottest news from the gay scene. Get the latest fashion advice from people in the know to make sure you’re looking on the top of your game and dressed to the nines. Kick back, relax and unwind after a long week with interesting, topical and often controversial features to stick your teeth into each month.

Each issue brings you coverage of the hottest and most loved gay stars of the moment, such as Troye Sivan, Ricky Martin, Sam Smith, Matt Bomer and many more.

Now available worldwide in bookstores throughout Canada, US, UK and Europe, why not join the thousands of global readers with a monthly subscription to DNA magazine - the ultimate magazine for gay men. Subscribe today! 


A DNA magazine subscription is a must for gay men of all ages, enjoy:

  • All the latest hot topics and news from the gay scene
  • Great feature stories and insightful celebrity profiles
  • Pages and pages of photographs of the hottest male celebrities on the planet
  • Fashion advice from people in the know so you can ensure you’re looking and feeling your best
  • Coverage of the hottest and most-loved gay stars of the moment
  • A perfect opportunity to unwind and delve into DNA’s pages after a long week

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Excellent quality

Always has the best stories from Australia and New Zealand Recensito 09 aprile 2022

DNA Magazine

Excellent Recensito 23 febbraio 2021

DNA Magazine

Articles about the lives of the LGBTQIA+ community and a healthy dose of male sexiness is just awesome! Recensito 23 gennaio 2021

DNA Magazine

Love this mag , I look forward to every new issue ! Recensito 23 gennaio 2021

DNA Magazine

WOULD LOVE TO SEE MORE FULL FRONTALS Recensito 31 dicembre 2020

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