“You stink, man!”
My boyfriend has run into some legal problems. He’s a super nice guy but had a rough start in life and made some bad decisions. He was arrested for selling drugs and now I’m paying his legal bills. His attorney says he’ll probably have to spend some time in jail for, but doesn’t know exactly how much time. If it’s over a year (likely) should I wait for him?
Dear Jailhouse Lover, This is a hot fucking mess! Jails are filled with nice guys who did bad things. Selling drugs is illegal and your boyfriend should not have been engaging in this activity. Fast money is not worth the consequences. Tammy Wynette sang about standing by your man but that bitch is dead and you are about to risk going broke paying your man’s legal bills and inviting more misery into your life. I hope he isn’t asking you to wait for him, and if you do wait for him you’re a fool. He’ll be in jail getting all the ass he wants while you sit at home all alone with no life, no money and no dick.