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f2 Cameracraft Magazine October 2010 Vol 4 No 4 Edizione posteriore

24 Recensioni   •  English   •   Art & Photography (Photography)
Only €3,49
Inside this issue: The F2 Profile: David Land catches up with legendary corporate, advertising and fine art photographer Brian Griffin, the first photographer commissioned for the National Portrait Gallery/BT Road to 2012 project, which focusing on those around the UK who are making the London Olympics possible. In The Business section we feature innovative, Margate based, Immi Photography. Three photographers proving an absolutely cutting edge bespoke service, specialising in portrait, boudoir and wedding photography. Turning Pro is Sue Westwood-Ruttledge, who makes her shoots relaxed and fun with the aim of producing spontaneous and natural images. Starting Out is Liz McBurney a rising star in the world of high end commercial still life. In Bespoke or Off The Shelf, Miranda Gavin further considers the web site question. At a time when your on-line presence is not only crucial but actually defines you - what are the options for the working freelance? Mark Crapper, founder of MC Photography works from a dedicated studio in Sheffield, talks about how he has adapted his business to thrive in these financially straitened times. Balancing the Formats David Kilpatrick looks at the range of digital formats, image sizes and lens systems available, and asks, ‘Do you need two systems?’ Richard Kilpatrick takes a look at alternatives to the iPad: Android and Windows based tablet computers, notably the Archos 9, Teso J-10, from Tablet Store UK, and Apad devices.
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f2 Cameracraft

October 2010 Vol 4 No 4 Inside this issue: The F2 Profile: David Land catches up with legendary corporate, advertising and fine art photographer Brian Griffin, the first photographer commissioned for the National Portrait Gallery/BT Road to 2012 project, which focusing on those around the UK who are making the London Olympics possible. In The Business section we feature innovative, Margate based, Immi Photography. Three photographers proving an absolutely cutting edge bespoke service, specialising in portrait, boudoir and wedding photography. Turning Pro is Sue Westwood-Ruttledge, who makes her shoots relaxed and fun with the aim of producing spontaneous and natural images. Starting Out is Liz McBurney a rising star in the world of high end commercial still life. In Bespoke or Off The Shelf, Miranda Gavin further considers the web site question. At a time when your on-line presence is not only crucial but actually defines you - what are the options for the working freelance? Mark Crapper, founder of MC Photography works from a dedicated studio in Sheffield, talks about how he has adapted his business to thrive in these financially straitened times. Balancing the Formats David Kilpatrick looks at the range of digital formats, image sizes and lens systems available, and asks, ‘Do you need two systems?’ Richard Kilpatrick takes a look at alternatives to the iPad: Android and Windows based tablet computers, notably the Archos 9, Teso J-10, from Tablet Store UK, and Apad devices.

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Issue Cover

f2 Cameracraft  |  October 2010 Vol 4 No 4  

Inside this issue: The F2 Profile: David Land catches up with legendary corporate, advertising and fine art photographer Brian Griffin, the first photographer commissioned for the National Portrait Gallery/BT Road to 2012 project, which focusing on those around the UK who are making the London Olympics possible. In The Business section we feature innovative, Margate based, Immi Photography. Three photographers proving an absolutely cutting edge bespoke service, specialising in portrait, boudoir and wedding photography. Turning Pro is Sue Westwood-Ruttledge, who makes her shoots relaxed and fun with the aim of producing spontaneous and natural images. Starting Out is Liz McBurney a rising star in the world of high end commercial still life. In Bespoke or Off The Shelf, Miranda Gavin further considers the web site question. At a time when your on-line presence is not only crucial but actually defines you - what are the options for the working freelance? Mark Crapper, founder of MC Photography works from a dedicated studio in Sheffield, talks about how he has adapted his business to thrive in these financially straitened times. Balancing the Formats David Kilpatrick looks at the range of digital formats, image sizes and lens systems available, and asks, ‘Do you need two systems?’ Richard Kilpatrick takes a look at alternatives to the iPad: Android and Windows based tablet computers, notably the Archos 9, Teso J-10, from Tablet Store UK, and Apad devices.
Per saperne di più leggere di meno
f2 Cameracraft from Pocketmags brings you the latest new Cameracraft issues six times a year - plus back issues of f2, f2 Cameracraft and the original quarterly Cameracraft.

Cameracraft is published six times a year as a premium quality print edition with a cover price of £8.50, available only by direct subscription or membership of The Guild of Photographers. We are pleased to make it available here as an electronic edition without high postage costs.

Cameracraft is edited and produced by David Kilpatrick. It features original portfolios, interviews and profiles, equipment tests and reviews, news, techniques and ideas to improve your creative photography or your photographic business.

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Basato su 24 Recensioni dei clienti
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