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Football Masters Magazine

12 numeri all'anno   |  English
3 Recensioni   •  English   •   Sport (Soccer)
The world’s first retro football magazine with exclusive embedded video footage of matches and players from the 1970’s and 80’s. Each magazine contains an average of 20 minutes video footage re-living the highlights from past games and bringing our stories to life. Our pages are filled with feature rich content taking football lovers back to a bygone era of long side burns, woven brown leather footballs and mud caked pitches. Let us take you back to a time when football was great and the only place that was all seater was the local cinema. We place a cap on advertising so that no more than 10% of each edition is sold to advertisers. This means you pay for great stories and video footage; not a catalogue of sporting merchandise. Football Masters is written by fans for fans with personal memories and first hand accounts from cover to cover with all clubs featured; not just the elite of the Premiership.
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Football Masters

Football Masters - Issue 1 The world’s first retro football magazine with exclusive embedded video footage of matches and players from the 1970’s and 80’s. Each magazine contains an average of 20 minutes video footage re-living the highlights from past games and bringing our stories to life. Our pages are filled with feature rich content taking football lovers back to a bygone era of long side burns, woven brown leather footballs and mud caked pitches. Let us take you back to a time when football was great and the only place that was all seater was the local cinema. We place a cap on advertising so that no more than 10% of each edition is sold to advertisers. This means you pay for great stories and video footage; not a catalogue of sporting merchandise. Football Masters is written by fans for fans with personal memories and first hand accounts from cover to cover with all clubs featured; not just the elite of the Premiership.

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Issue Cover

Football Masters  |  Football Masters - Issue 1  

The world’s first retro football magazine with exclusive embedded video footage of matches and players from the 1970’s and 80’s. Each magazine contains an average of 20 minutes video footage re-living the highlights from past games and bringing our stories to life. Our pages are filled with feature rich content taking football lovers back to a bygone era of long side burns, woven brown leather footballs and mud caked pitches. Let us take you back to a time when football was great and the only place that was all seater was the local cinema. We place a cap on advertising so that no more than 10% of each edition is sold to advertisers. This means you pay for great stories and video footage; not a catalogue of sporting merchandise. Football Masters is written by fans for fans with personal memories and first hand accounts from cover to cover with all clubs featured; not just the elite of the Premiership.

Per saperne di più leggere di meno
The world’s first retro football magazine with exclusive embedded video footage of matches and players from the 1970’s and 80’s. Each magazine contains an average of 20 minutes video footage re-living the highlights from past games and bringing our stories to life. Our pages are filled with feature rich content taking football lovers back to a bygone era of long side burns, woven brown leather footballs and mud caked pitches. Let us take you back to a time when football was great and the only place that was all seater was the local cinema. We place a cap on advertising so that no more than 10% of each edition is sold to advertisers. This means you pay for great stories and video footage; not a catalogue of sporting merchandise. Football Masters is written by fans for fans with personal memories and first hand accounts from cover to cover with all clubs featured; not just the elite of the Premiership.

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Basato su 3 Recensioni dei clienti
Visualizza le recensioni

Classic magazine

One of the best available Recensito 26 luglio 2019

Always entertains

Classic magazine equality Recensito 18 luglio 2019

Very good read

Ideal for all those football enthusiasts and beginners Recensito 10 luglio 2019

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