Furniture & Cabinetmaking  |  August 2011
In issue 182 of F&C we get the inside track on a very special commission for the royal couple from Ian Hawthorne. John Bullar shows us how to add that extra flourish with a classic cornice. Harry Hare makes five simple handles and Martin Howlett shows us his method for making a tapered jig.
We’re in the workshop with Peter Sefton and Nicholas Chandler explains why SketchUp has revolutionised his making life. Andrew Varah is the subject of our 20 minute interview and we take a closer look at one of Betty Joel’s pieces.
On test this month is the Hammer N4400 bandsaw the Bosch GKS 65G and the Metabo PowerImpact 12. Plus Narex have taken our reviewer’s comments and redeveloped their chisels we take a look at their latest offering. And of course there are all the regular features in Your F&C.
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