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Garden News Magazine 26th October 2015 Edizione posteriore

5 Recensioni   •  English   •   Family & Home (Gardening)
Only €3,49
Year-round garden glory! Get more for your money with this vibrant
selection of year-round interest plants – double your garden’s value with flowers, berries, scent, hardiness and heaps of colour!
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Garden News

26th October 2015 Year-round garden glory! Get more for your money with this vibrant selection of year-round interest plants – double your garden’s value with flowers, berries, scent, hardiness and heaps of colour!

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Issue Cover

Garden News  |  26th October 2015  

Year-round garden glory! Get more for your money with this vibrant
selection of year-round interest plants – double your garden’s value with flowers, berries, scent, hardiness and heaps of colour!
Per saperne di più leggere di meno

In each issue, Garden News magazine provides you with a fresh dose of everything you need to know to help your garden reach its full potential.

Learn valuable tips for success from some of Britain's finest gardeners, including Carol Klein, Terry Walton, Nigel Colborn and Stefan Buczacki - from winter through to summer you’ll never be stuck for inspiration again.

Take advantage of the offers and competitions available in every issue of Garden News magazine. As soon as you subscribe to the digital edition, you’ll be able to enjoy fantastic offers on plants, bulbs, seeds and tools. Plus, each week you can enter the latest competitions to win high-value prizes, from lawn-mowers to greenhouses.

Delivered directly to your device, you can enjoy your digital edition of Garden News magazine whenever wherever you are.

Written for gardeners who like to keep on top of their gardening throughout the seasons, you’ll love your subscription to Garden News magazine.  

A Garden News digital magazine subscription is a must-have for anyone who wants to keep their garden in tip-top condition. Each issue is packed with fantastic features including:

  • Tips and tricks from many of Britain’s most respected gardeners including Carol Klein, Terry Walton, Nigel Colborn and Stefan Buczacki
  • The fantastic ‘what to do this week’ section - to help you get your key seasonal tasks finished
  • New ideas for what to grow in your greenhouse, including plants and crops you’ve never considered before
  • Fresh inspiration for your allotment - bored of growing the same old food? Why not try something new, whilst getting the best out of what you're already growing?
  • The latest news and events from the gardening world
  • The latest issue delivered directly to your device every week, available to read anytime, anywhere
  • Never lose an issue - every issue is stored in your Pocketmags account

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Basato su 5 Recensioni dei clienti
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